Rhiann and her take on Crimson's performance...

Whatever whatever happened to Grace Connor… forever a mystery, isn’t it?

Well not to Crimson Company after we performed our version of Sarah Osborne’s script about a girl who says enough is enough and leaves home without saying a word. I played Maggie McKenzie (of the Longwood Gazette).

She’s a fresh new journalist who doesn’t really understand the story of Grace Connor but slowly get’s wrapped in Grace’s world by meeting her family who’s struggling to stay together, becoming acquaintances with the school children who voice opinions about Grace which make it clear of their relationship, meets close loyal friends who give more insights into Grace’s life, and teachers who only see the perfect student.

On Tuesday, we performed our one night only show of ‘Whatever Happened to Grace Connor’ (after our dress rehearsal to Sapphire on Monday night) and let’s just say, it was more than amazing. It felt like after months of hard work, we’d finally got our goal of making this play outstanding. I think everyone should just be so proud of themselves because it was so beautiful, it’s unreal.

Well done Crimson, you were amazing!


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