The Shooting Truth cast boys and girls...recorded on location in Kendal

Alice: If I was to compare this blog to the one I wrote this time last year about my connections experience I’m sure it’d be very similar to what I’m about to write because nothings changed…but connections has been just as good as it always is. There have been new people and lots of challenges but I have new friends and I have learnt A LOT. ‘Shooting Truth’ was potentially my last connections but hurray for not getting into drama school because I can audition again next year (!!!) and hopefully be as inspired as I have been for the last 4 years. Much love Connections ☺ xxxxxx

Amy: well this is my first connections experience and I have to say it has been better than I first initially thought, I have loved every minute of it, from helping with, “I draw this circle,” to performing, it has all been great. I have enjoyed working with different people to who I usually talk or work with. So here’s to next years connections ☺

Rhiann: BOOM! Connections is a full on amazing experience that I will be going on about for months and months on end! Its been my first ever Kendal adventure with Yew Tree and let’s just say, it’s been more than hilarious as well as just the best two days of my life (so far!). Too many memories to count, not to mention that buzz of the last performance of Shooting Truth, it was just BEYOND AND OVER EXCITING AND FULL ON EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!! GO ON TEAM. P.s. thank you to everyone in the group who made this first time the best and will take A LOT of effort to top if I manage to get in next year. Again, GO TEAMMMMMMMM!!

Merv: Connections this year was sensational. From the start I knew it was going to be amazing from the positive energy of excitement everyone was giving out. This is the second year in Kendal for me and so far it’s getting better and better. The only thing that’s pulling me down is this will be the last time I will be performing connections with most of the team, and knowing them so well there all like family to me. I am glad that we got to see other people’s performances. This year we actually got the chance to get to know people, we ‘mingled’ with people and I really got to know a good friend Lewis. Thank you for this years connections to everyone that made it happen cant wait for the next connections to come :D

Katie: Well this is my first year but connections is the best thing have ever been involved in, well maybe not as good as the whole of yew tree but defiantly running in second place. From the beginning it’s been amazing and the cast were better than ever even all the way back in December. We have all become so close and that has helped us when rehearsing as we have used each other’s energy and motivation the whole way through. I have grown so much in confidence and my joy for drama has grown so much… I have also become a lot closer to some amazing people. Connections 2011 = the best thing ever!! GO SHOOTING TRUTHH!!

Cassidy: Well connections, my first and definitely something I will not forget. Since the beginning it has been one of the most enjoyable, creative and bonding experiences. Throughout the process you grow so much closer with the people around you more than you could imagine and I know I have secured some great friendships. At times rehearsals may have been tiring but you always manage to leave feeling rewarded in the progress made. What makes connections so brilliant is the prospect of Kendal at the end, after hearing about last year this year we had a lot to live up to and I feel that we definitely did, resulting in an absolutely fantastic final performance that I am sure would have been hard to better. Connections has given me such wonderful times with wonderful people and I am so heartbroken I cannot share many more. My love for Yew Tree is ever so strong, go ooon ☺

Michael: Sooooooo… Shooting Truth, well done guys :-D Absolutely smashed it! And the Ensemble so good…
As it was my first time at Kendal, the trip was a very new experience for me, but it was one I REALLY enjoyed! We’ve been rehearsing Shooting Truth since December, woah… That’s one long time to rehearse something, and we’ve had, six performances and our final performance at Kendal was easily our best. Everything ran smoothly all lines remembered and just over all brilliant!

It wasn’t just performing though, it was also the experience of just being in Kendal, with yew tree, can you imagine anything better?!
Anyway overall Kendal has been an overall success, and I sincerely hope I can come back in the future!
Over and out..! :)

Emma: Hiya. ☺ Just had the nicest little snooze on the stage in the Malt Room where we’ve been chilling. Earlier we played THAT’S OUT and had a mosey on into the town, lalalalaaa, nicest sandwich ever. As I’ve mentioned food, now would be the best time to mention the shedload of pizza that we consumed last night, and I thought I’d never eat again. And why are we even in Kendal? Shooooooting Truth. I have to say, it was brilliant, possibly our best performance yet. I’ve had lots of fun creating my character and rehearsing with lots of lovely people that I just love, and ahhh, go on Yew Tree. Shooting Truth 1645-2011 was fabulouso. And please please please can I come again next year? Here’s to Connections 2012. X

Lucy: Right, so I’ve been pulled away from ending every sentence with “reblog if you cry!” to sit in front of a laptop screen in a blanket that has been to Switzerland and back to add a bit to this huuuuuuge blog. So, Shooting Truth- last performance last night, and it could not have been better. Everyone smashed it. Completely smashed it. Before the performance me, Jack Davies, and Amy Walton were sat having a cheeky chicken tikka wrap for tea when Sarah came over to have a little chat. She told Jack to let Liam, his character, ‘fly’. And before that Tom Mcnulty told us to forget that this was our last performance and just enjoy it. Both comments, even though Sarah’s comment was aimed at Jack, really inspired me to go for it with the ensemble. And I hope it paid off. ☺ Overall the ensemble were brilliant. Best we’ve done it in my opinion. So yay for that. Also, WOO KENDAL! KENDALKENDALKENDAL! I don’t think I have much else to say… No wait, I do. Mirlind Bega is a fabulous dancer. Oooh! Also again, Rhiann made me cry when she died. REBLOG REBLOG REBLOG.

Thomas: Before I start with anything else to do with this blog…I have to say this first…Not being apart of Connections this year has probably been the most heartbreaking and upsetting times I’ve tried to get through…After my final Connections the previous year I was over the moon with what I had achieved and how much of a brilliant time it was for me…For 3 years, Connections was and is still the best part of my life…And its something I will never forget…But saying that, I knew that another new Connections would soon approach and a new cast of lovely Yew Tree members would step up to the challenge and carry on a so far amazing tradition that has seen outstanding performances and excellent moments to remember…Because to be honest, it was time to hand over the torch to other members and let them be given the chance of experiencing something that I loved doing, and for them to create and make many new memories and excel in their skills and talents…However, the final performance of Shooting Truth that occurred last night at the Brewery Arts Centre in Kendal (which is where we all at this moment as I write this blog!!!) was without a shadow of a doubt…The most amazing piece of compelling and emotional theatre I have ever witnessed performed by Yew Tree and in fact any other company or cast I have ever seen through my eyes…It was brilliant…It was extraordinary…It was beyond the efforts and talents that others wish to try and emulate and succeed upon…And on the final two scenes, they made me cry with tears of joy and sadness at how heartbreaking the story of Shooting Truth is, and because of how proud I am of the entire cast…The regional performances the cast did where all brilliant in their own rights but the Kendal performance stood out for me on its own as something completely different entirely…Everyone in the cast is amazing, they are all amazing friends…Each member of the cast deserved to have done what they did last night, and deserve to be brilliant members of such a loving “family”…The cast went beyond their limits of expectations and abilities to new levels of performance and awe…And all of the cast where in the same mind frame that nothing, absolutely nothing was going to stop them going the distance and performing the way they did…To which the thunderous round of applause they received after the final bows was nothing short of transcendent and deserved for all of the hard work they put into the entire project and that final performance…To which I hope each and everyone of the cast of Shooting Truth and the ensemble piece remember for the rest of their lives, and never forget, but look back on with found memories and happy times ☺

And so I feel I should end this blog before I carry on anymore haha…I have said everything I have needed to say, with all my heart…Kendal 2011 has been bloody brilliant and I have enjoyed sharing this momentous time with Yew Tree again…The past two days have been great and it isn’t over until 11:45 tonight, soooo I better get back too it guys ☺

Take care and have fun reading all the blogs……KKKKKEEEEENNNNNNDDDDAAAALLLL!!!!!!!!

Ellie Moran here… and it’s come to the end of the weekend? And it’s like, really? The weekends gone already, but ya’know what, last night’s performance was absolutely sensational. For me personally, I felt like it was my best performance, and I was stood backstage whilst watching the other scenes happening thinking, oh that was really good, oh that moment too! Oh Helen smashed that scene! But then I had all these points in my head, and in the end It just turned out that everybody had smashed it and I was so so so relieved that everybody felt that sense of achievement because everybody was so wishful for it! Kendal is my all time favorite place, it just doesn’t get any better, from the people your with, to the place your at, to the people your been looked after, to our brilliant, brilliant director, and come on … PIZZA!!! On a Friday night with all of the shooting truth cast and Danny and Sarah and Aaron and Tom and of course Oz. I don’t know if this is my last connections, I just don’t know what will be happening in my life at that point. But I tell you what, ill still be part of it. Sarah Osborne can’t get rid of me that easily ☺
Thank you to everybody that’s supported us, coming to watch us and to Aaron for recording all our moments and to Sarah and to Danny and to Oz so very much for everything.
You’ll hear from me again before next year’s connections… but still look out for mine again next year. It’ll be here. ☺ ☺ ☺
IYA, IT’S JCG. Just realized I’ve never written a blog, *reblog if you crryyyy!* Ermm well. CONNECTIONS. Wow. Simply wow. Favourite of all has to be Kendal, the performance, the atmosphere and the wonderful, wonderful people have all been amazing. I even managed to say ‘Do-able’ correctly. Yes, I don’t believe it either. The room was immense, and a cant stop making ALALALLALA noises thanks to Dee… I’ll probably never get over last night’s ‘Gargantua’ which included of multiple hilarious yet brilliantly cringe-y moments. WHERE HAS THE DOCTOR GONE!? … You don’t want to know. Right now I have so many brilliant things I want t say but can’t articulate. Basically, THANKYOU TO EVERYONE, AND KENNDALLLLLLLL.

Allllllrighty then. Jack Iredale here folks, with a little blog straight from the laaaaaake districccct :D It’s been a brill time with the Shooting Truth team, and the fact that this is the final performance hasn’t dampened anyone’s spirits. We absolutely SMASHED it >.<, seriously, the performance here was the best we’ve ever done. Electric would be a good word to describe it...probably. I think we’ve all had a great time, with both performing and the other stuff here in Kendal. Our room was literally griffindor common room, and Kendal itself reminded one of us of Diagon alley :L The other performance on our night, gargantua, was mental. Brilliantly acted, but seriously mental. Kendal has been absolutely sensational, and I cant wait for the next time :D :D :D Ps. Pokemon times :L

Straight from the mind of Ashleigh Waters:
So this is my second Connections and so different to my first experience. The ensemble was a creative and exciting challenge; I think the piece was written perfectly to be followed by Shooting Truth. The rehearsal process was exhausting yet exhilarating with the constant reminder of the stakes being so high. Kendal has been just amazing, the performance was the best it’s ever been, we completely smashed it! The fact we have had another day is Kendal has softened the blow of it all being over. Thank you sooooooo much Sarah and Danny and everybody else involved in this fantastic experience you complete and utter legend. Much love, Miss Ashleigh Summer Waters ☺ xx

Ashly Brown
Well then, its that time again (and most likely the last time, since I should be at uni) when I try and put into words just how highly I think of yew tree.
I struggle to put into words just how much yew tree means to me and Kendal made me realise that I’m going to be a little lost without it when I’m at uni. I’ve had one of the best times in my life and I really hope I get the chance to have a cheeky visit with yew tree again. I feel honored to have spent the past few months with such talented and magnificent people. This was the first time I’ve performed at Kendal and also the last, but I couldn’t have wished for it to be any better. For me, I felt the performance was the best we’ve ever done it and I’m really proud of everyone.

Jess Moore
Had the most amazing weekend with brilliant people. Shooting truth has brought me closer to lots of people and it has to be one of my favourite casts to be a part of. The story of shooting truth is one I will always remember and I’m really sad to be letting go of it. After 3 years of not being able to perform at Kendal I couldn’t have been happier to be back on that stage. It was emotional but amazing! Yew Tree look forward to Kendal more than anything and as per usual it’s been an absolute sensation… I wish we had a week at Kendal or 2 ☺ Iv’e seriously loved it. Thank you for being brilliant people I wouldn’t have wanted to spend this weekend with anyone else.

Jack Davies
I’m in serious danger of being really chatty and going on for about 2345687245 pages…so I’ll keep it short ☺
Shooting Truth is the best play I’ve been in, Liam is the most enjoyable/challenging character I’ve had to create, and I couldn’t be more thankful to Sarah and Danny and indeed, everyone, for letting me be a part of this again. The people at Yew Tree are my favorite people ever, and I’m so sad to be seeing some of them go, but the time we’ve had together has been so ridiculously fantastic. Performing in Kendal has proved again to be an awesome experience- let alone the fact that the performance was the best it’s ever been and soooo much fun :D
Yeah, we’re just amazing.

Oooohhhh cheeekkyyyyyyy adadadada.
I joke.. I joke …
well Kendal you joyous event ☺ ! s’bin rather buzzin ant it. Wow. I sounds scrumcious. But no seriously, its been so fun ew., no funfunfunnn tiiiiime <3 like .. so much laughter ha, and well the performance was a sensation. Got a bit crazyyy – bit too in to it but its all gravy right /? Ayeee. But yeah I love this cast so much , like were like a little fam .. and yes as Alice has pointed out on numerous occasions .. I am 19 . but the 14 year olds amongst us are just as much my bff’s init. Ps. KITTEN SAYS LOVEYOU <3 . but yeah. Bit silly this blog innit. But seriously what I would do without yew tree, without Sarah without my yew tree team .. I would decayyy. So much love for you all, oh and a small part of me hopes I don’t get into drama school so that y’know.. we can do it all again next year.. ☺ xxx

Welll well well what can I say, connections yet again has been an absolutely amaaazing experience. I loved every second of the process and especially KENDALLLLL!!! Which has been absoulutely hilarrrrious, also couldn’t be happier and prouder of all of us in that final performance!! Shooting truth is without a doubt my favourite play I have ever been a part of and Freya has definitely been the most challenging part I’ve played and completely different to anything I’ve ever done so I’m very grateful I was given the chance to attempt something so new. It goes without saying that Yew Tree is the best youth theatre group in the worldddd wooo woo:D Because every single cast member is so bloody talented and supportive of each other ☺ and it really shows in the performances :D I can’t believe this is my second and lassst connections ever for LIFE ☹ ☹ and as excited as I am to be going to Uni, leaving Yew Tree and not being part of experiences such as connections is one of the reasons that makes me wish I could stayyy forever!
So thank you Sarah and Danny…wooooooo SHOOTING TRUTH :D xxx

Can I just begin with: I love Connections. Shooting Truth has been absolutely BRILLIANT, yeah I’m going to over use that word, cos it just epitomizes Yew Tree ☺ I’ve reaaallly enjoyed being part of Connections, and I love Shooting Truth. It’s awful how Marley goes from being an innocent little child to an adult in the space of a day. I sentence Freya to death when I know she’s not a witch and I’m supposed to be about 15!!! That’s what makes it soooo horrible, we’re all just kids!! And the Ensemble, I think its appropriate to use the brilliant again, because it IS, and I’m so tired that I can’t think of another word. But we know we’re brilliant … because we’re Yew Tree, and we are all fantastic people. It’s awful to think that this could be my last connections, and secretly, I wouldn’t weep for eternity if I didn’t get into uni, or at least ended up at Leeds, because then I could do it all again next year ☺ Thank you Sarah and Danny and go onnn Shooting Truth xxxx

I don’t even know where to begin, I have loved this connections so much. Thinking back to when we first auditioned Kendal seemed so far away and now its all over, which makes me really sad because it has been the best experience ever. I can honestly say I didn’t have a clue about my character at the beginning but having got to the end of the process I feel like I have achieved something I never thought I could, playing a role from the 17th century! And I cant say how much I enjoyed working on the ensemble… A LOT. I really wish that it didn’t have to be over and we could carry on and that nobody would have to leave to go to uni ☹ Thank you so much Sarah and Danny for a brilliant experience and I would do it all over again! WOOOO SHOOTING TRUTH xx


This weekend has been the perfect ending to an amazing experience which will be hard to forget or top. Spending time with some of my favorite people doing something worthwhile and rewarding every week, culminating in an INTENSE final performance at Kendal. The atmosphere backstage was nothing like anything I’ve ever been part of before, we were all totally committed to doing the best we could do and I think we definitely broke the ‘Kendal curse!” I don’t really know what to say know because it’s all really over, the last two years of connections have been brilliant and I finding it very hard to accept I probably won’t be hear next year. I have loved the challenges it has presented and how it has taken me way way out of my comfort zone. So yeah… I’m abit lost for words so I’ll just say that I LOVE YEW TREE!


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