Decisions, decisions...

I’ve changed my mind three times about what to write about in this weeks blog…on Monday I decided that I’d write about Crimson Company’s performance of, “Whatever Happened to Grace Connor.” This decision was based on my delight at seeing how much some of the performers have developed in terms of their ability and their performance quality. I was blown away by some of the strength of the characters that actors had created through hard work, bravery and skill. Standing at the back of the theatre I had the pleasure of watching a cast draw their audience in so that they really cared about the characters and were bothered about what happened to them. They brought my script to life in a way that made me very proud of what I had written.

However on Thursday I decided I might want to write about Black Company’s session instead. Over the last couple of months Black Company have had to meet a number of performance demands in quick succession and as such have been working exceptionally hard. Not only has there been very little time for anything other than rehearsing, we’ve had to timetable extra rehearsals and for some of the company that have only recently joined us that’s the only experience of Yew Tree they’ve had. However Thursday we got to redress the balance somewhat as we celebrated the pause in performance commitments with a full 2 and a half hours of games…2 and a half hours filled with equal amounts of laughter, ridiculousness, competitiveness and joyousness…it was an absolute pleasure…

Then this morning I thought maybe I should concentrate on Gold instead…the reason for the change of heart is that this morning the various pieces of literature that will be performed were properly unveiled…and they’re really good! What struck me is the range of things that will be included in our Classics festival…so many different styles, genre’s, approaches and yet all inspired by writing 100’s of years old…pretty impressive stuff…undeniably some hard work needs to be done to get them ready for performance but equally there are some very solid foundations to base this hard work on…

So yeah couldn’t decide which was better so in the end I decided to write about all three…


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