Charlotte Clayton responds to our preparations for the Classics festival

Classic – adj. ‘Of the first class, of the highest rank or importance; constituting an acknowledged standard or model; of enduring interest and value’ - That definition couldn't be more accurate.
I’ll state from the outset that I adore classical literature, I mean, I LOVE it. A lot of people moan about it because the language is sometimes difficult and entirely different but that makes you delve into its meaning and understand it more. I’m writing this blog whilst the boyfriend watches the Champion’s League Final and tbh, I couldn’t be happier that I have something a lot better to do !
A classic novel invokes an emotion inside as you read it, it presents something that the modern world, in my eyes, lacks and that is, a need for a connection. Nowadays, anyone in the entire world can be contacted in a heartbeat via email or even Facebook. Back then, there was the classical romance written by letter and not just a relationship status online.
After being welcomed by Gold Company so nicely, I’m loving life. Clarke Hall may sadly be closing once the Yew Tree Classics Festival is over at the end of June, but I can safely say that with what has been shown and created so far, it’s going out with a bang.


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