Thomas McNulty enjoying his once a term pass to the Gold Company...

Hello Yew Tree...Just thought id write another blog for all you blog readers...So then lets begin shall we...

A few days ago I asked Sarah if I could have a cheeky visit to the Gold Company session to not only see the progress the group had been making on, "Worn Out Shoes," but to also be a part of the sessions again, even if its just once a term after I left the group along with several other strong and wonderfully committed members and friends of Yew Tree… Since leaving the Gold Company sessions, I have missed going to them so much and spending my Saturday mornings with great friends. It really hit home when I was paying for the session and noticed my name no longer on the register. However today’s little visit was brilliant because not only did I got to see some old faces, as well as some of the newest members to the Gold Company who have become part of the group so well but also the work they've been doing and the fun they have been having, it just makes me very happy to be a part of Yew Tree and see the way everyone continues to develop and change in the different groups.

Right so onto the session… One of the best things that we did today was a new exercise that Sarah had learnt while away on youth theatre business called “Street Café.” Basically what we did was one group of people sit in a line facing an open space and act as if they are sitting at café on a street, while the other group of people at both ends of the room have to just simply walk back and forth as a character, a character in everyday life or a different character of their own making each time they walk across the space, whether in pairs, groups or alone. It could be whatever they feel like doing. The other group sitting down have to just watch the people walking along the street outside the café and just watch the world go by, looking at the many different characters that walk along… This was fun because it was the most relaxing, easy going and fun types of improvisations anyone can do. Pressure wasn’t an issue with this exercise, anything could happen to provoke some kind of theatrical reaction from its participants. And quite frankly it just an absolute pleasure to do like our Continuous Images, Peeling, Pebbles on the beach and I hope to it again soon.

Afterwards the Gold Company continued with their rehearsals of, "The Worn Out Shoes," having already blocked half of the script since starting back only a few weeks ago. I took the backseat and watched the group work on some new little scenes, adding one or two little extra bits before going for a stop and start run after break….From what I had seen during the rehearsal, the show is looking brilliantly brilliant and is going to look even better by the time it gets to its performance dates in December. I just know it… Some of the highlights I noticed was the casting for the show, it’s been done so well and all the actors involved have already become accustomed to their roles and living the parts they have been given. No one I noticed was giving a weak role; they all have presence and are very strong. Ed’s portrayal of the King is astonishing; his first scene with Ash and his daughters is so funny. I haven’t ever seen Ed take on a role like this and he acted very well too. Katie’s role as Jenny again surprised me a lot. Her performance today in rehearsals was really lovely to watch and so great to see many of the company committing to such high levels of performance and really enjoying this show.

Today’s visit and session was great and I really enjoyed every bit of it…Hopefully I will be making another visit to see the Gold Company very soon during the next term and I am really looking forward to seeing the performance in December.

Tommy Niz!


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