Imogen from Crimson has blogged about the Miners Memorial Service we performed on Sunday

Walking down the aisle of the Abbey you see the look on the people's faces the look of sorrow and the look of hope that there loved ones are in a better place.
The play we created was all about mining and it displayed the feelings and
emotions of the miners the family's that have been involved with the miners for generations. You could see as people watched the play that it meant everything to some people sat there, that some relation or family had gone though this difficult, exhausting, painful hard work. Not only that I had never known much about mining but
this play has shown me alot and I will aways think of the gentlemen, women and children that lost their lives. Also a brighter side too by doing the play i have found better relationships with many people from Yew Tree
I have grown a stronger relationships with many and I am glad I did it.


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