Another first time blogger...hurray! This time Rhiann from Crimson Company...

So this term at Yew Tree, we’ve started our play, Cinderella, which is going to be performed for Christmas which is really exciting as it’s my first Christmas play with Yew Tree. It’s my favourite fairytale and since we’ve started writing the parts, it’s reminded me of the memories of been little and reading it before bedtime with my mum. Basically, the play is bringing to life the classical fairytale which is well known across the world, and our version is going to be the best, I know it!

We’ve just finalised the first couple of scenes which is great saying we’ve only been back a month as well as the fact we had to cast which Gemma did amazingly - as well as writing the monologues and the first couple of scenes.
Also in Crimson, we’ve got a new helper, Joanna, who is helping Gemma by co-writing and helping with costumes - not to mention about everything else. Joanna has already become a really good part of the Crimson company Family!

Today, we focused on the movements and how to make the best of it, so we practised this technique where you stood in neutral and your partner tapped a part of you and you move that part then stand in neutral unless they touched you on, say, your arm as you were doing the other movement.
The session today also made use play attention to our body gestures so we’re ready for Chorus movements in Cinderella!

Anyway, I best be off, but before I go, make sure your diary is empty for the two days full of Christmas plays (Tuesday 14th December - Wednesday 15th December) as your in for a treat from the whole of Yew Tree.

Lots of love,
Rhiann xx


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