I love Dee's blog...so it's a happy week when she writes them...oh..hello happy week...

I haven’t done a blog in time so thought I'd pipe up and give you a cheeky insight to the Christmas productions I’m a part of…

Thursdays are always a pleasure I remember laughing a lot last Thursday such a good session including zombie-ing and scoobying it up with Ashly ha but yeah shutup Dee, we're doing, "The Lost Happy Endings," which is an absolute sensation, it’s an excuse for me to prance about so this makes me happy haa. Its gonna look so pretty with all the physical theatrey biz that goes on through it… and like at first when we started some of the team were like ‘eeek were like having to dance and spin and that!’but now everyone’s like ‘woooh lets prance around’. Well they're not ha, but everyone’s getting into it and biz and I think its fair to say we all love the piece - the amount of spins, lifts and just general images and movements we make, I just wish I got to actually watch it all, but the bits I see from being in it are beauttt! We did the fire last Thursday and we literally just fling our bodies here, there and everywhere – like we have to make sure every single part of our bodies are moving whilst spinning around Joanna, it may sound ridiculous but it looks prettttty mint, … eww asif I just said mint haa, but seriously, soo good. Its such a good story too :) bit of Carol Ann Duffy… although im not a fan of whatshernames illustrations, actual scary times in that book I tell you…

Lalalaaa - yeah that’s my way of thinking … ermmm, oh I may aswell pipe to you about gold on a Saturday morning too haven’t I :)

"The Worn Out Shoes," – ha its gonna be brilliant, can't handle how hilarious Ed is now he’s off script for the first part, so funny – we did the ball scene today, well I think its a ball scene basically the dancing scene were all the princesses sneak to every night, I right enjoyed it, just another excuse to prance around ha and I reckon when its finished it’ll look really good – sensational music also! But yeahhh its all going suave ha :/. Don’t wanna pipe for too long so in a nutshell the Christmas shows are gonna be a sensation :)

p.s Black company team members me and ash are holding zombie/monster auditions this thurs, get your pieces prepared… hahahaaa … shutup Dee…
Au revoir :)


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