Take heart...

I’ve been thinking about lead roles this week… in itself it’s a strange concept within Yew Tree because the ethos in the youth theatre and the company in a wider sense is all about ensemble. I think this train of thought is maybe at the front of my head because connections is not so much on the horizon but approaching with speed and because I’m starting to see how the casting decisions we made way back in the cinema are turning out. It’s an interesting thing to ponder because after the initial thrill and sense of self satisfaction when you get the role you hoped for I think maybe getting a lead isn’t the best deal…

It’s become clear as we approach the next stage of the rehearsal process for the Christmas shows that the demands placed on those with a lot of lines are significant…you have to learn the lines, remember the lines, understand the lines, communicate the lines and all this with a director who quite happily changes their mind from week to week about how she wants to stage the scenes…and I think maybe a lot of that process feels quite lonely. In comparison the chorus have a sense of unity that is developing each week and people to compare notes with and a reassurance that they are an integral part of a joyously interdependent entity. Not only that but you leader type people have the added pressure of reading the blogs and listening to me make demands on you even when you’re not in rehearsals.

So I wanted to say you’re doing fine…all of you…all of the actors feeling the pressure you are doing so very well…even if at times it’s feeling like it’s all a bit of a struggle…keep going…keep challenging yourself…keep working…listen to the direction…see it as support not as criticism…We’re never trying to put you down just showing you the next step…and despite how it might feel you aren’t on your own as you have a brilliant team backing you complete with the brilliant chorus, the rest of the lovely cast and a team of dedicated artists…not bad really…


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