Rachel has kindly volunteered to be our Christmas guest blogger...so here it is...

Well this is my first go at ‘blogging’ so here goes!

Well I haven’t been involved in many Yew Tree performances yet but I’ve still had a ball with them and since it’s Christmas I thought I’d talk about the xmas show. What a great way to get in to the Christmas spirit! As I was not in the Yew Tree version of ‘A Christmas Carol’, I have to say it what a pleasure it was to watch and what a fantastic and fresh version of the script it was too! I cannot actually believe I began feeling emotional in parts… definitely was not expecting that- (certainly shows that Yew Tree can do soppy as well as hilariously funny!)

And well, I guess I can’t mention A Christmas Carol without ‘Musicians’. Need I say anymore?! Such a different type of Christmassy play but still such an amazing production to get you feeling all wintery! Being the first of my theatre productions with Yew Tree, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process of this play from discovering characters right up to performing and receiving such a wonderful response from the audience! I quickly realised how well the Black Company work together and how we all seem to ‘bounce off’ one another. I still found myself laughing at Danny and Rob’s opening scene after watching it countless times before in rehearsals! My mum and grandma said it they could not believe the amount of young talent in one cast!

Anyway that’s enough about that! Now I thought I’d mention the upcoming show ‘Sparkleshark’ because I’m extremely excited to be part of this too! I am also excited to meet members of the other company whom I have never worked with before!
The auditions were definitely a nerve-wracking experience for everyone, even those who have been involved in these audition processes before! However, it has to be said everyone was brilliant and the watching members made me feel much more relaxed and comfortable when auditioning by their great response…(I didn’t think anyone would laugh at my part and they did so phew!) That shows just how supportive Yew Tree members are! Utterly thrilled with my part and cannot wait to get started! Guaranteed to be another brilliant show!

Well I think that’s it for me! Hope my blogging wasn’t too disastrous!
Hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and have a fab New Year! xx


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