Happy Times...
In the space of a week we have put on seven different plays in 4 different locations…a lot of which were premieres and some of which we performed twice. We have made audiences laugh (and cry)…we have kept them engaged; we have challenged their perceptions of what theatre is and more importantly what youth theatre can be. We have strived for the highest standard of professionalism. Individuals have stepped out of their comfort zones and exceeded the expectations of their cast members, their director, their family and friends and most significantly themselves. We have witnessed or created moments, minutes and in some cases whole scenes of pure theatrical delight. We have triumphed over technical adversity and overcome insecurity and self doubt. We have in fact had a marvellous week and should rightly feel more than proud of ourselves. Go Team Yew Tree.
My request to you then is this…value it…the week and all it contained…don’t move on too quick, treasure the moments…the big ones on stage and the little ones that will have taken place in dressing rooms, back stage on the way there or back, when you got home and at school the next day…conversations with friends, kind words, moments of unity, achievement and self actualisation. Treasure them with humility and store them safely somewhere so you can take them out whenever you need a little affirmation or just because you want to remember something lovely. They can, with memories from other lovely experiences form your own personal metaphorical photograph album of happy times…
My request to you then is this…value it…the week and all it contained…don’t move on too quick, treasure the moments…the big ones on stage and the little ones that will have taken place in dressing rooms, back stage on the way there or back, when you got home and at school the next day…conversations with friends, kind words, moments of unity, achievement and self actualisation. Treasure them with humility and store them safely somewhere so you can take them out whenever you need a little affirmation or just because you want to remember something lovely. They can, with memories from other lovely experiences form your own personal metaphorical photograph album of happy times…
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