Lucy Tranter...Member of the Crimson Company and now cast member in Sparkleshark...with her excellent debut blog...

So, Sarah asked me if I could write this weeks blog. She said I could write about either our last Yew Tree session or the Sparkleshark auditions, and since I had a bit to say about both, I thought I’d write about both. Here goes...

Last Saturday was our last session until after Christmas, so, as you can expect, we had some laughs. We each said our news, played some games (I’m sad to say I can’t actually remember what games we played. But hey, I’ve slept since then) and then Gemma said that in groups we were going to act out the nativity. We could either do an updated version, or do it like we were seven years old. Naturally our group did like we were seven. We decided Catherine should be the teacher and we would be the (surprisingly slack) group of kids. Each of us got our parts, basically improvised the whole thing then kept doing it until we had something worth performing. It was actually rather good in my opinion. I particularly enjoyed being a shepherd AND a wise man, giving Mary (Miss Sabrina Rowett) gold, frankincense and Merv :D

But then, at 2:30, mine, Emma and Merv’s happiness slowly was taken away as we realised we now had to go and audition for Sparkleshark. “Bang goes the safe bubble.” as Emma put it.

After Sam had kindly taken us to wherever it was the auditions were we were glad to find out we weren’t the only ones who were all new to this. To our delight we found that there were several other people from different groups that had also never done this before, which put our nerves at ease for a while and made us more confident when practising. After said practising we did a typical warm up exercise. Those kind of warm ups usually leave me feeling embarrassed and rather stupid, however, this time I thought, “Hey, these people don’t know me, who cares if I make a fool out of myself?” and actually quite enjoyed it :) But then the auditions started, and once again the nerves kicked in. But how could they not? Especially after watching the others do their auditions. There was so much talent in that one room it was actually unbelievable. I watched and waited for quite a while, but as the number of people left to audition died down I knew I’d have to go up at soon. So finally I plucked up the courage to go up there. And to my surprise, it felt really good! Getting to play the character how you think they should be played, getting to do the scene how you think it should be done, and not only that, but getting an applause after it, well... it felt amazing! And though I may not have got the character I auditioned for, I’m still really pleased with the part I did get, and literally can’t wait to get started!

Sorry, if I rambled a bit there, I’m new to the whole blogging experience, so if you thought it was terrible please don’t hate me. Much obliged :)


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