I ‘R’ Teh Beast!

No introductions necessary...he does it himself...

Hmm, a Blog, wow, this is a first for me. Ok then, You all know me as Matt, strangely enough, but for the last few months I’ve been answering to “Beast”, (that and “Beastie Boy”) as, well, I WAS the Beast (I’m just that awesome) in Sapphire's production of Beauty and The Beast (That’s me, just in case you’re confused).

Playing the Beast, it was good fun. I must say, it is one of my personal favourites of all the Roles I’ve ever played (even more fun than being “Zip”, but lets just not go there please), and it really helped me just, chill, a whole lot (yes, shouting helps me relax). That for one was great, as I could channel a lot of emotion into character, as while I was learning my lines and developing the Beast character, I was going through a rough time in my life, and I channelled all of that, well, negativity, into the character as darkness and aggression, with some ambiguity thrown in for good measure.

I did personally find being this big, aggressive, dark, unknown, violent and feared character, kind of like a dream come true, which may sound odd…but it was. This is simply because, well, that’s what I would love to be at some point (maybe not aggressive or violent, but feared, dark and unknown, yeah), so again, the character was all built on this, making it much more interesting for me to play, as well, it’s great to experience that kind of lifestyle.

The Production night, that Wednesday night, was superb! Enough said. Sat backstage, getting into character as the Beast, it was simply intense, the atmosphere from everybody there was just amazing; we were all so excited and nervous. And then on-stage, I’m pretty sure everybody involved had the time of their lives. I know that I was proud of everybody, including myself, for that night, and being on-stage, as the Beast, was thrilling, absolutely top-notch. Simply performing, as the Beast, was a treat, a true pleasure, as the character was just so well formed (thanks to Sarah's amazing writing, and my general levels of awesomeness), and it just flowed, everything went so well, I’d love to do it all again (except forgetting a line, I’d want to remember it next time)

Well then, that is my 400-word blog which is awesome, and this is my 401st word, Thanks.


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