Mr Jonathan Hopwood everybody...

Bloggity bloggity bloggity blog.
I’m finding it hard to see the screen due to the amount of spray after Yew Tree Youth Theatre's technical rehearsal on Sunday.
Sundaaaay, the daaaay of rest, definitely rest on sunnnnday... if there was one day to kick back and relax, pop the kettle on and microwave your heat’em up slippers to ensure warmth this winter season... it would be a Sunday.

H’oh no!
Not Yew Tree. Everyone had hands on deck to try and make the day run as smoothly as possible. Techs are notoriously difficult. I put this down to having 50+ actors, who’s foundation essentials consists of oxygen, food, water and attention, coming second to the lighting and sound of the performance. However, what is sooooo brilliant about Yew Tree is that we break free from the norm and always manage to take it to the next level.
The lovely thing about Yew Tree is that people use spare time to it’s full potential. Journeys are plotted over and over to ensure that it will be alright on the night, people practice set changes and transitions to make sure they run as smoothly as possible and most importantly people help each other to ensure the cast reach such a high performance standard as a team. People man up. Big time.
It is such a pleasure to be surrounded by people who I would choose to be surrounded by in an ideal world. It makes something that can be slow and long and repetitive... enjoyable. It makes me think that whatever scenario presents itself, as long as I was surrounded by these people, the scenario could never be too bad, which is so reassuring to know. This is such a tribute to a cast and team, it defo allows for much better outcomes. An enjoyable process makes for an amazing outcome.
So now, I’m left anticipating the performance. Can not wait.
One lovex


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