Roberto Girgito delivering a blog for you fine people today. I had the pleasure of visiting the Sapphire Company that is run on a Monday night by Sarah, Danny and Callum. They are doing Beauty and the Beast which is very much in full swing.

I got to do something that I haven’t really been able to do at a Youth Theatre session and that’s sit back and watch. I got to watch as young people were challenged; scenes were devised and revelations were made. The sheer amount of thoughts that were spawned from just 2 hours of Youth Theatre was incredible. The one image that has stuck with me was three girls who were all acting alongside each other. They did their scenes as asked of them, word perfect, matching blacks and very focused. The scene ended and everyone was given a minute to go over there lines and walk through their scenes. The scene they did was brilliant, performable and to a somewhat high standard. However Sarah called the three girls over and sat them down - ‘Here’s the next step’.

Sarah talked to them about their intonation, where to add emphasis, questioned their characters motives, diction and much much more.

This is what got me thinking, Yew Tree is all about that extra step, what’s next, how can we make this better, how can I develop and improve that, it’s with this very state of mind Yew Tree achieves that little bit extra. It’s what makes Yew Tree and their performances utterly magic. That healthy nurturing environment has such a profound affect not only on performances but in everyday life. What Yew Tree does is extremely special and I cannot wait till 9th and 10th of December!


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