
This week at Yew Tree I had to compromise…specifically in my one rehearsal of the week… namely the first rehearsal of The Musicians with The Black Company …and compromise is not something I associate with the Black company…which, actually, is a good indication of how spoilt I am and in what high esteem I hold them... But compromise was what I was prepared for at the start of the day as I tried to get myself in a place where I could cope with it…I had key cast members absent and couldn’t get in the rehearsal space at the time I wanted to…I was starting rehearsals for a challenging play and our rehearsal time is severely limited…oh yes…compromise, at the start of that day was going on in abundance…

Turned out it didn’t matter because I had a brilliant rehearsal…yes the whole process is always potentially jeopardised by individual cast member’s agendas that are consistently almost in play… but it doesn’t and didn’t matter because ultimately the rehearsal made me laugh and gasp and marvel at the talent of the company, the playwright and the individuals that had given up their day in the name of a creative adventure…If I had one wish, it would be that people could let their individual agenda’s fall away completely during rehearsals in the name of genuine artistry and allow themselves time off from their real lives instead of making them more complex, but then sometimes I guess I ask the impossible…

Despite the potential hazards the laugh’s were genuine…the delight was absolute…the creativity was inspired and the ideas had integrity. In the same spirit the challenge is great and the ambition is more so but still…the whole endeavour has already been given a mark of quality that affirms my pride in Yew Tree Youth Theatre…


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