Alice Proctor...veteran Yew Tree member of Gold and Black company...

So on Monday I got roped into going to the Monday night group – well Sapphire, and it was cracking. Also I make it sound like a chore but it was mint to be back. There were loads of new faces and I tried to learn some names and panicked in cowboys and Indians but I coped haha. Also I felt really old especially when we were playing the bean game and Danny shouted ‘baked beans’ and we had to run into the middle of the room – there were tiny people close to being crushed. Aside from that Yew Tree is a wonderful and safe place honestly.

Anywayyy, apart from the new faces, there were people who went when I was Cinderellering it up. I make it sound like it was years ago ha. Like some girls were wearing make-up that didn’t used to and there were some people who were stupidly tall and people whose hair was mentally long haha and people who I could hear in best and worst that used be really quiet. I sound like a proud Grandma.

I also loved watching Beauty and the beast because it reminded me how brilliant Yew Tree is at not going…’right stand there do this and say it this way.’ Cos that couldn’t annoy me more. It means that people do stuff and it’s not always right first time or how it will be by the performance but it’s not necessary to point it out cos it will sort it’s self out in time and you always get better results…haha just call me Alice Spielberg.

Now is the time for the cheesy line that is the point of what I just rambled about… yew tree doesn’t search for perfection it works with what there is and like creates brilliance that gets made perfect

So yeh, bye :)


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