Josh Farrar ladies and gentlemen from the Crimson Company making his accomplished debut as a guest blogger...

Last week my group (Crimson Company) moved to a new facility after being at the church for over two years. I was sad to be leaving such a large spacious building in which we have rehearsed and performed in for a long time, but i was also happy to be moving on, as the change was for the better. When I first entered our new space (The Orangery) I though it was quite small for a group our size, but it probably will take time to settle in after being in such a large space for so long.

In the first week of us having a new area we told our news and played a few games as usual. But afterwards Gemma decided to split us off into groups and devise a small murder mystery piece. We all had loads of fun creating the small performances, and the end product of each groups were amazing.

This week however we were split into groups again but we were asked to do a spoof of A Christmas Carol, which was nice to do, as we are not doing a Christmas play this year. It took us a while to get started, because quite a lot of us didn't know the story well enough to be able to perform, however after we had it explained to us we started putting our ideas together and creating a piece, which we will be carrying on with next week and then showing them to the others in the group.

Thanks for reading my blog, if I ever do another one i'm sure it will be much better, having done one before. Bye :D


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