Almost Brilliant...

All the shows to be performed in the Christmas Spectacular are in their final stages of rehearsal and I find myself in a state of perpetual frustration. So much of what we’re doing is almost brilliant…almost…so very close…so very, very close but ultimately, and sadly, it isn’t brilliant…yet…

“So what is needed to make it perfect Sarah?” I hear you all enquire enthusiastically…well I’ll tell you…

It’s employing all the things that we keep talking about in rehearsals and in notes… it’s making sure you know where and why and what and who at every moment…about knowing where you have come from and where you’re going…it’s about having a sense of the whole story and not just your part in it…and then in terms of your part its about knowing it inside out, back to front, from every angle and then making it look as if you’re discovering everything for the first time as if you’re living every moment…really living it…

It’s about discipline and bravery, well directed energy…about being strong as an individual but utterly part of the ensemble, it’s about knowing the bigger picture and all the details that create it. If all that’s in place it’s about communicating everything you’ve created to your audience with an enthusiasm and sense of integrity and truth…

As the performances draw closer I get to enjoy (as do you) glimpses of this but not enough…the only people that can make any of this happen are the performers…as your director I can remind you and show you ways of achieving it…but ultimately, the graft – that’s up to you…but then the reward for that investment, for that graft, is that you get that fantastic feeling on stage when you know you’ve done what the script and character and story demanded of you, to the best of your ability…

So…essentially what I’m saying is let’s move on from almost brilliant, I’ve seen enough of it…do the graft and then I can write a blog entitled “Utterly Brilliant.”

What a happy day that would be…


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