Well...desperate times call for desperate measures...I had no volunteers so I had to do a bit of press ganging...the result is this...cheers team...

Alice: Right so I said I’d do the blog but didn’t know what to do and Dee piped up with ‘welll the 17+ groups new thingymajig is conversations yeah ... lets converse times ha’
:)...so we’re doing a conversational blog...nice cop out on my part :)
Right so on Thursday we did the warm up as usual which I absolutely loved even if me and Callum had to get inhalered a few times :( (Can you tell I’m writing this with Dee?) then we started putting the piece together and after the pre-show/bit at the beginning I sat down to learn my lines but didn’t get very far (must try harder) because watching other people was so interesting. Like I watched Joanna and Jess and saw them do exactly what I’d done the week before: just say : ’erm...I dunno’ and then stand there lol but in the end they got there and it was mint. Then I watched India (working with Callum) do exactly what I did the week before as well and go, "Orr don’t lift me I’m too heavy," then she manned up and theirs was brilliant. Next I watched Jess and Chelsie who had worked together the week before and straight away were jumping on hands and rolling about adding a narrative before they were told to and the same with Rob and Aaron. And then there were Ash and Sarah and Jonny and Danny and both pairs ideas didn’t come straight away but they were brilliant and so like understated.

Dee: Essssssssayyyyy

Alice: Basically I just enjoyed watching other groups because you learn a lot from it and people watching is also my favourite sport ha

Right dees turn cos she rightly pointed out i didn’t mention all the pairs haha...

Dorri: right, soooo Thursday was like...interesting, my cousin joined which was hilarious... well not hilarious but you know...its weird ha, couldn’t handle his best and worst as many of you may have noticed but yeah i was glad he enjoyed it and got into it and biz ha, right this is turning into a nice little cringe of a ramble but to put it in a nutshell...(LOL) it was nice having a little family team member there ha...yeah i didnotttt just call him that.
Anyhooooo, i was working with Ellyn and we were both like, ermmmm what do we do? Sooo we tried leap frogging...FAILED...tried firemans lifting...FAILED and then a nice little simple lift ...yeah, we both definetly ended up on the floor which was niiiice ha, but after lots of laughing, we decided to wang a bit of panto dance in ha ;) which then got taken out...ha but yeah...fun times (: I apologise im not a wordyish as alice...but you know, she's brains...ha

Alice: Jamie and Tom...and Matt and Jamie...you can probably man up and handle the fact that you were at the back and i couldn’t see you too well

Dee: I saw themmmmm they were good :)

Alice: Cheers x

Dee: over and out team (Y)...why am i so cool?


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