First guest blogger of the week is Jess Moore...member of the Gold and Black companies...and somehow for the second week in a row Dee manages to put in an appearance...

With Thursday nights (Black Company) still carrying on over the summer I didn't really realise how much I'd missed Saturday mornings...but they're brilliant and it was sooo good to be back :) I get pretty passionate about a lot of the performances we do with Yew Tree, but I love A Christmas Carol and Sarah's version is brilliant. Really looking forward to it!

Also just gonna point out that best and worst never fails to make me laugh ha. There are so many different personalities at Yew Tree and the stories that are told are brilliant. I realise I've said brilliant 3 times now...ah well, moving yeh Saturday mornings ha...we had some new people today. People always manage to just slot right in and by the end of the session its as if they've been there forever :) That's good is that in my opinion. No one's ever made uncomfortable we're very welcoming people :)

So back to A Christmas Carol. The opening is so good...the music is perfect and even though it was sunny and hot I felt proper christmassy and happy. We had to get into groups and bring a Christmas themed image to life. Our image was pulling crackers... we got a bit too into it :) Personally think the sitting on Santa's (who may I add was Jonny - hilarious) lap should definately be added into the piece somewhere haha...Jokes :) I can't wait to see it all come together though. Everyone suits their parts perfectly as well. And its got a perfect balance of humour and not humour < Yeh I couldn't think of an opposite "/ ha. I think I'm gonna leave it there. Yeh Yew Tree is brilliant (said brilliant again there)... And I'd like to finish with a good luck to Jamie. We'l miss you lots. Dee just arrived and would like to add a "Miss you team member" (Y)


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