My highlights of the week

Now the youth theatre is very definitely back up and running my blog this week is going to document some of my Yew Tree highlights from the last seven days…in no particular order and with the disclaimer that there were many others it’s just these are the ones that really stood out for me…

Number 1 – The sheer number of people that are now involved in the youth theatre, at each first session of the term that I have facilitated I’ve been astonished at the size of the group. That all these talented, enthusiastic, wonderful people would want to spend their precious none studying/none working hours with Yew Tree is a continual delight to me….thank you…

Number 2 – The new starters and returners, it’s always good to see a couple of new faces at a group as they provide an extra enhancing element to the company that they join. Two in particular stand out to me this term. A younger member of the Sapphire company who has apparently talked about Yew Tree so much since attending ,her brother wants to join and Sasha from the Gold Company, who thanked me for letting her come back and left this mornings session with the words, “I’m happy now.”

Number 3 – We’ve got a working version of “Conversations,” The piece the Black Company will perform at York. It has a shape and a structure and a journey and I have the luxury of a full 2 weeks of rehearsal to be able to polish it.

Number 4 – As a related highlight some of the catch and release duets/trio’s were magic. Those where a lightness of touch had been employed and an appropriate simplicity had been used to the upmost advantage were delightfully playful and often melancholically amusing…

Number 5 – The massive progress of our piece that tells the story of the Lofthouse Colliery Disaster for the Miners Memorial Service comes in as highlight number 5. In one week we were able to devise the start and a good bit of the middle section. This project was always going to be a challenge so it was more than positive that we made progress so quickly. Also, I’m delighted that I’m finally going to visit the Miners Museum due to the planned team trip tomorrow…

Number 6 – As my final highlight I choose the Christmassy nature of A Christmas Carol, and particularly the fact that from now until Christmas such festivity and happiness will be the trademark of my weekends…I love my job…

So those are my highlights…it would be good to know yours…either on here if you’re a follower or if not there is always the forum or facebook, or one of the myriad of other forms of communication Yew Tree has at it’s disposal…so you know…humour me and share…


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