The opening of A Christmas Carol as devised by the Gold Company this morning in their first rehearsal back…

It’s a cold crisp December afternoon…the sunlight sparkles as it meets the frost and the air is filled with anticipation. It’s Christmas eve and in amongst the preparation for the festivities people meet, gather and draw close sustained by the tangible magic that charges the air…

A young woman walks along the street…she is cold…in her eagerness to look good for her new romance she had forgotten how much the temperature has dropped…taking her place where they planned to meet she waits for a moment…a flash of doubt crosses her face, will he turn up? Suddenly he is there holding his hand out to her as her now upturned face lights up in a smile…they run off to enjoy their precious hours together…intoxicated by the newness of everything.

As they leave a young man enters and pauses to check his phone, he’s been looking forward to today, a chance to catch up with a friend all too absent in the last few months…his friend who reminds him that life is there for the living…more than anything else he wants to spend the next few hours with someone with whom he can just be…before he even rings to check that he is coming the friend is there…off they go, to enjoy each others conversation next to a warm fire…drink in hand…

A girl enters next… on her face is a glimpse of rebellion…an impish smile as she remembers her last conversation with her she has assured them that she is spending an innocent afternoon at her friends house…she can meet up with her friends to get ready for the party she was never supposed to attend. She hopes her friends have been equally successful… a hope proved fruitful as her friends appear and their festivities begin….

Unaware of anything around them three girls are focused on the phone which proclaims the news that one of them was waiting for…that the new year will bring with it the promise of a new relationship…her friends share her pleasure in the prospect of the enhanced times ahead…

Four friends steeped in holiday cheer walk along the street, their talk is all things frivolous and they carry with them an impression of feminine lightness…they are met by their opposites, masculine, defined and there is a moment of something…before all go on their separate ways the near miss of whatever might have happened adding to the girls’ giggles as they go…

No sooner have they gone than a group of children career along the street hurling snowballs at each other, a lucky shot catches one girl in the face and for a moment she is left stunned and saddened by the blow…just when it appears the general cheer might be compromised her friend returns for her…brushes the snow from her hair and with a brief kiss on the forehead they are off again once more…

Then the street is alive with throngs of people in their last dashes before they settle for the evening…greetings are lavished on everyone as they are only voiced at this time of the year…fuelled by the unique ingredients of Christmas: Peace, hope, and good cheer…


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