We also have a guest blog by Charlotte...who will be a much missed member of the Black Company now she's left to start university...

Ok… so today, I moved in my stuff to my uni accommodation. It reminded me that I’m leaving Yew Tree, that I’m leaving something that has changed part of me (for the better obvsss)... but still, it’s gonna feel weird. Since I asked Sarah early if I could have this blog, I’ve been thinking most of the week and I’ve realised, this is where I can sum up my Yew Tree experience… so I’m gonna.

Yew Tree started after I helped out by playing a character in Giving Something Back, after that it’s been 17+ all the way! At first, I remember being scared that I’m not good enough but in reality, Yew Tree isn’t like that. If you’re one of the weaker in the group, you get aided by everyone so you don’t feel behind, and that’s something I love. Everyone supports each other like a full on tree (that’s what came into my head) like, Sarah is the grass below and we are all branches. If one branch snaps or breaks off, the grass is there to soften the landing.

So, the uni accommodation, well… it’s erm… studenty? Well anyways, there’s a key fob & I’m struggling to comprehend that I use that to open my doors and lock them…
Earlier I had about 4 bags of shopping (there’s a sainsbury’s round the corner) and I couldn’t even open the bloody door. Mega embarrassing when people you’ve only just met have to save you from failing at door opening. I’m looking at the student union societies at the moment and thinking about what to join… there’s cheer & drama. I think that should suit me just fine, although it can’t replace yew tree now, can it?


  1. Aww i love the image of what Yew Tree is :) we miss you Charlotte


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