Lucy is our next 2019 blogger!

2019 at Gold Company! Well…sort of… You see I started the beginning of 2019 at Sapphire Company. During this time, I was also in the 2018/19 Connections cast performing the play Chaos. My decision to move from Sapphire to Gold wasn’t made entirely by myself. A change in my and my sister’s schedule led to my mum having to be able to be in two places at once. There were two solutions to this problem; invent a cloning machine to clone my mum so that she can be able to be there for both my sister and I (slightly impossible) or to move up to Gold Company slightly earlier than I had planned (more possible). 
At the beginning of my time in Gold, I felt slightly alienated. The only people I knew were part of Connections or were in Sapphire during my time there. The other person I knew was Layla. I had met her the year before during the summer workshop doing Sleeping Beauty. We were (and still are) as crazy as anything. Even then, I still felt like a quiet outsider. But my first session at Gold made me realise that I wasn’t the only crazy person that went to Gold (sorry everyone!). It also led to me calling THE most famous playwright, William Shakespeare, a paedophile. Don’t ask me how I was persuaded into saying that in front of a group of future friends.
By the summer, we had learnt that since Gold Company was so busy that we would all be doing separate plays at the Summer Celebration at Ossett town hall. We were presented with a group of plays that were very different from each other. There were some I preferred more than others but I was just happy that I was performing at Ossett.  Eventually, I found out that I was doing a soliloquy from Hamlet with Connor and Georgina. It wasn’t the one that I preferred the most but I ran with it. Sarah left Kenny in charge of us. There’s one thing I want to say about all of this; thanks Kenny. I never got the chance to say thanks you to you personally because you left before I got the chance to say it. You believed in me and you made the soliloquy just perfect. I enjoyed our debates about everything sci-fi and Doctor Who. Next time we meet, Kenny, I have a slice of cake waiting for you as a thank you. I also want to thank Ben for helping us with the modern interpretation of the soliloquy. I know you weren’t there to see your masterpiece but, trust me, it was perfect.
Next was the Christmas shows. After summer, a lot of people had moved on up to Black Company which meant that Gold was much less crowded. We were trusted with Sarah’s rendition of Beauty and the Beast. Immediately after the first read through of the play, I was completely hooked. I had my eye on a few characters and I was unsure which ones were in my top three. In the end, I got trusted with the part of Liz. Liz was strong and quite bossy. She was also one of Dave’s best friends. She was completely smitten over Dave but Dave had his eye on Belle. It was a play full of laughs, let downs and love. It also left me with the chance to work with some brilliant people and I loved to watch them sink into the character as time went on. Jacob was the most energetic version of Tommo I could ever imagine. Jeevan emerged as a lad’s lad playing Charlie. And Connor was an amazing Dave.
I am fit to say, that since the beginning of the year, I have made a huge amount of long-lasting friendships. Also, I feel that my confidence has grown more than ever. There are a few people I would like to thank for aiding that along…
Firstly, Sarah. You have challenged me and there have been times when I have wanted to give up. However, I think this has made me a stronger performer and has left me with more belief in myself. I wouldn’t be anything that I am today without you.
Then, there’s Ben, Connor, Georgina and Kenny. You helped to shape me to be able to do my bit in the Hamlet Soliloquy. By the end, I think we all felt comfortable at where it was at. It definitely turned out to be better than I expected it to be.
Next, is Jeevan and Jacob. Our group of Dave, Liz, Charlie and Tommo was so fun to do. I’m sad that you’re leaving Gold, Jacob, but I’m happy that I had the chance to work with you. Jeevan, we’ve had great times in Gold but all four of us have got greater times to come doing Look Up this year for Connections 2020.
And finally, thanks to everyone who was/is in Connections, Gold or Sapphire and everyone else I’ve ever had the joy to work with. You all have had a great impact at my time in Yew Tree so far. I appreciate every single one of you.
However, 2019 is over. But my time at Yew Tree isn’t. I’ve still got quite a few years left and 2020 is going to be one of the good ones. I hope you all have a fabulous New Year and enjoy what the rest of 2019 and 2020 is going to bring. This is Lucy Gallivan, a 15-year-old wannabe actress, finishing off her first (and definitely not her last) Christmas/New Year blog.


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