Chloe is our next 2019 blogger

Hiya! If you don’t know me, I’m Chloe, and I’m a member of Black company at YTYT. I’m going to take this opportunity to discuss 2019 as a whole, whilst keeping the main focus on Festive Fairy tales and Fables, so grab a beverage of your choice (go on, treat yourself and have a biscuit) as I reflect on 2019. I started 2019 in the lovely Gold company, preparing for the Shakespeare festival in summer, and I got the absolute joy of playing Shakespeare in Tom Stoppard’s 15 Minute Hamlet. I got to dress as Lord Farquad, and run around; speedily recreating one of Shakespeare’s most iconic tragedies. At the end of summer, I felt I wanted to start in a new place, so joined Black company. As the resident 12 year old, I was terrified of looking and acting out of place; seeming mature in a company of mature actors. But I didn’t. I felt welcomed by a group of individuals who not only allowed me to take part in the seemingly prestigious Black company, but also gave me a place within the group; which was lovely. We started autumn with a Miners piece, which we performed at Doncaster Minster, in a service which was beautiful and once again reminded us of our coal heritage. We then started Radio, a physical theatre piece set to clippings of WWII radio speeches and also music from the era. We performed Radio 3 times, each performance creating deeper meanings about what it was like to live through such times. Performing Radio at the Phoenix was beautiful, the lights and smoke creating the most beautiful stage pictures that felt incredible to be part of. For Christmas, we had the talented Taylor Caddick write ‘Is this Christmas?’, and I had the joy of playing Karen. As someone who spent half a year dealing with Karens in a restaurant, I relished playing the type of customer that would send me home in tears; The play was witty, charming and overall, very entertaining. This year, I took part in my first connections festival, with the prettiest play; Chaos. Chaos shaped me as an actor and I’m so grateful I was given the chance to partake in it. But with the end of Chaos, comes the start of Look Up, for which rehearsals started in November. I’m playing Jack, the leader of the group, and I’m so excited to go on another connections adventure. This autumn, I started volunteering with the delightful Orange company, and for possibly the first time in Yew Tree, I starred in both Black companies play and Orange’s. Working with the fabulous young people of Orange company reminded me of how brilliant and how incredible young actors are! You all shout be so proud of raising such fabulous individuals!! I’d like to thank Sarah as I enter 2020, for helping me grow and develop as not only an actor, but a person. It seems like I’m a different person to the girl who wrote a Christmas blog in 2017, and I can mostly place that with Sarah and her wonderful words and help. To everyone I’ve worked with this year, thankyou!! You’re all absolutely brilliant. So til next time, Chloe


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