Here is Helena with her 2019 blog

Christmas for the past few years has been signified by a few things 1. Retail working hours  2. Lots of chocolate and wine whilst trying to lose the winter weight before my grandparents visit 3. YTYT Christmas shows! 
This year I got to work with three companies Black, Sapphire and Emerald. In Black we did two shows, Radio and Taylor Caddick’s play ‘Is This Christmas?’ Both brilliant in their own ways. Radio was fab because it was… well a beautiful piece and I think in these somewhat trying times, and they can be trying, it’s incredibly good to look back and see what others have been through. Our ancestors, grandparents etc. experienced so much toil and hardship. If they can get through that, I think we can do anything.  We’ve performed it a few times just on bare stages, so to do it with cool lighting was fab. I don’t know anything about lighting but Oz you’re a wizard. 
This is Christmas was great because one of our own wrote it! Caddick’s quick wit and office-esque flair was such a joyful way to end the year. As the official grandma of Black company this year (thanks Dec for the title) I felt a sense of pride. You’re all brilliant. And thanks Taylor for having the balls to write something and letting us lunatics put it on. 
Sapphire did Snow White! Sapphire always has a special place in my heart because it’s where I started, so I was delighted to volunteer this year! I can’t quite put my finger on it, but every Sapphire play has this… Sapphire flair about it. Every single one. I can’t explain but if you’ve ever been in Sapphire you might know what I mean. Stylised, a bit mad and always entertaining. Also, we squeezed some Kate Bush in there which is always a bonus. Well done beautiful people. You really were fantastic. 
I’ve been with Emerald company, volunteering, for a year now. Their ridiculousness always brightens my Wednesday. This year Sarah asked if I could co-write a piece for the older ones in Emerald. Kenzie, Alyssa, Hannah, Rebecca and I, strapped on our creative heads and came up with a retelling of the three little pigs. Now I can’t take credit for the plot, but I can take credit for the line ‘Pigs are friends not food’, so that’s where I get my glory from. In all seriousness, working with these gals was the highlight of the Christmas season. All four of them showed so much talent, generosity and resilience. All four of them are stars in their own way <3 .="" also="" apparently="" are="" down="" i="" keeping="" kids.="" m="" me="" now="" o:p="" old="" the="" they="" weird="" with="">
Also Grinch lot you were magic xxx
And that’s it, my last Christmas show season with Yew Tree. Probably my last time performing at the Castleford Phoenix Theatre. I’ll probably get super emotional about it next year when I’m off at uni and realise I can’t just stick on an elf hat and get laughs to boost my ego, but until the bleak realisation that change is a’coming hits me… I want to say thank you to Sarah and Oz for eight magical Christmas shows, thanks to my gorgeous friends and family and a massive well done to all the companies that performed. 
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Helena x 


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