The Yew-logy of Bailey D Poching

(warning, this blog is littered with in jokes, if you don’t understand what I’m talking about, don’t panic, you won’t be alone)

Picture the scene. It’s a cold February night, 2015, and we’ve just finished our performance of hacktivists. As a result of post-performance conversations, plans were hatched to bring John Broadhead, Sam mandhi-Ghomi and yes, you guessed it, Bailey Poching to Gold Company the following Saturday. It was questionable as to whether we’d actually see them, but sure enough, come 10 o’clock they were piling in the doors of Wakefield college, and from there their Yew Tree lives began.

The summer term was spent devising the Christmas shows, and we saw early that Bailey had a natural ability to bring humour to pretty much any room he walked into. No one was immune to his wit and it was always exciting to watch his work. We moved into the autumn term involving incidents with a very special white t-shirt and swapping jeans at a rate of knots), and as well as performing in Gold Company’s ‘Snow Queen’ Bailey also auditioned for the NT Connections play for 2016, "Eclipse," in which he was double cast with myself. Bailey was always interesting to work with, he always looked at his own performance in detail, and so by working with him I was able to bring my own acting on leaps and bounds. We performed the Christmas shows and did the local performances of Connections, meaning the cycle had already been around full circle from where Bailey had started. Conversations about 20 thousand tons of crude oil and how bad boys sit at the back (always) are one of the things I enjoyed most about Connections, and Bailey was at the centre of all of that.
Kendal 2016 was just great. From the moment the add me on snapchat t-shirts were produced, to the time spent in games workshop, the banditos had the time of their lives taking over the town of Kendal. We even did a little show, I think. It’s all a little vague.

However, despite all this, Bailey and I’s main memory is the creation of the Detective Collective, the comedy short that we created with Gold Company. This is where Bailey's talent as a film maker, director and camera man came into focus (see what I did there) and it was the most fun I think I’ve ever had working on a project. If you haven’t seen it, click here. It’s great. And it’s all thanks to the man himself.

It feels odd that on Saturday, we said goodbye to Bailey, as he goes off to university. He’ll be in the summer project, so click here to reserve your tickets to see him there. And I should imagine he’ll be watching Remember the Oaks, so if you book tickets here you may catch him then. But ultimately, Bailey has finished his career at YTYT for now so what will he miss? There’s NT Connections 2017 (for which the plays have just been announced) the Princess Bride (Gold Company’s next Christmas show) and all the other things that occur every year within Yew Tree. It’s sad to see him go, but he’ll be back I’m sure...
For now, adios

(also, if you feel like you need to catch up with him, don’t forget, add him on snapchat baileydpoching)


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