Celebrating the little people...

This week I’m going to celebrate the little people of Yew Tree Youth Theatre.  Jade and Orange shared their work to their incredibly supportive parents on Wednesday and Thursday respectively and it was a joy to behold.  I try to keep plays for this age short and sweet so that we can still build the key skills of drama.  When they come to their weekly session I want them to be able to play, to develop their vocal skills, their physicality and above all I want them to have a place every week which is entirely creative.  The plays we do are a way of applying those vital elements of the craft of drama and so should be equally joyful and definitely not a stress.  However I acknowledge lots of parents spent quite some time helping their children learn lines which isn’t easy – so much thanks to all that did.

The children’s performances were testament to all of this – the way they moved, spoke and told the story demonstrated a genuine freedom and security in themselves and what they were doing.  They were proud of what they had created and enjoyed sharing it with the people who love them the most. You just need to read Alice's amazing blog to see how much this is true.

So what’s next?  Well my little performers can enjoy a full session of games in their next session to say well done for all their hard work and a validation that they achieved something brilliant.  Then we’ll think about what creative challenge to embark upon next!


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