Fi has been on work experience this week and has kindly written a blog!

After 8 years at Yew Tree I’ve finally had to write a blog post this week for the first time after spending a week on work experience with Sarah, being in Crimson Company with Gemma we manage to avoid writing on the blog! So I’m going to go over my week of work experience with you which I thoroughly enjoyed. I started my week off very nervous because I’d never worked with Sarah before and didn’t know what to expect but as soon as I arrived at St Michaels Academy on Monday I knew that it was going to be a good week. We spent the afternoon in a dancing lesson with year 4s and I have to say, I was very comfortable just watching with Sarah and helping the teacher with the music but the 8-year-old girls obviously weren’t happy with this and eventually I was dancing along with them to The Ugly Bug Ball. We then went on to Sapphire Company in the evening where I ran a game of Captain Beaky with Olivia, who was doing work experience with me, and we also watched as they prepared scenes for their Christmas performance. It was interesting to see how the other groups worked and it was nice to meet other YTYT members that I had only ever seen on stage. Tuesday was my favourite day; I went with Sarah to Park Junior School in Castleford where she ran 4 literacy workshops with year 4s. Their task was to create a scene where the characters of the Demon Headmaster and Matilda had to work together to get rid of the Headmaster and they would later use these ideas in their creative writing. I saw some great ideas! One group put a spider in his coffee while another group replaced his glasses with mirrors so that he would hypnotise himself! However not all of the groups had as many ideas and while I was helping them I noticed how much confidence these drama classes had given them and their teachers told me how much their writing had benefitted from Sarah’s 1 hour sessions every week. At the end of that day my face was aching from smiling so much! On Wednesday we headed back to St Michaels to run 2 more literacy workshops with the year 3s, their task this time was to present a tour around Scarborough because they had recently been there on a trip to the Sealife Centre. Again, I saw how confident they had become from performing their pieces in front of their class and I realised how much YTYT affects children in a positive way. From there I went to Jade Company’s performance of Indoor Play Adventure and it was great to see so many of them desperately trying to impress their parents with the imaginative performance and they put on a fantastic show (if you see the photos of Jade and Orange’s performances on the Facebook page, they were snapped by me!). Thursday was my final full day and we began at the Yew Tree Office (aka Sarah’s house!) working on the 2015-16 scrapbook. I really enjoyed making new pages for the different performances over the year and I loved looking through the old scrapbooks at pictures of people that I recognised. The only mistake we made during scrapbooking was using blue glitter, I’m still finding it on my clothes 3 days later! After this we went back to St Michaels again (Sarah must spend half her life at that school!) to help lead a transition workshop with year 6s. They talked about their worries about moving up to high school and me and Olivia, having spent 5 years in high school, reassured them that it is not as bad as it seems in the movies! I felt good to have helped a small group of people build confidence and I realised that everyone working with Yew Tree will feel that every day. I then went to watch Orange Company perform A Brand New Fairy Tale which, again, was brilliant! On Friday I helped to organise the costume store at West Yorkshire Dance centre and I saw more of the behind the scenes of Yew Tree. We were there for 2 hours but I can see that there is an awful lot of work to do to organise the costumes, who knew there could be so many boxes of bright green organza! This post was much longer than I intended to write but I had a great time on my work experience and I didn’t want to miss anything out, so if you’re looking for somewhere to do some work experience, I suggest Yew Tree!


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