Bitter Sweet Whirlwinds...
What a whirlwind of a week – finished Remember the Oaks on Sunday on Monday dived into The Hepworth Job. Which meant I and my lovely cast spent a whole week immersing ourselves in a ridiculous romp where a group of teenagers attempt (unsuccessfully) to steal a priceless piece of art from The Hepworth Gallery. I enjoyed every minute of it for a myriad of reasons… To start with, what a cast! Each one a joy…each one entirely committed! Each one of them wonderfully talented and prepared to be bold and brave. More importantly each one fully engaged in the business of working together and fully aware that magic is made in the relationships within a company and between characters… Another reason is site specific work is my favourite form of making work…to be able to make something that fits in the place where it is performed is such creative happiness. It gives it an immediacy and an energy that is entirely unique. As a flippant thing but none th...