Unsung Heroes...

My week this week has been all about Peter Pan – a performance at The Phoenix Theatre.  Not strictly a Yew Tree Youth Theatre production as it was the work of a new company - WY Performers but as I was the writer and director pretty closely linked.  The cast of 43 children and young people have worked so hard and the results are brilliant to see…so many of them have emerged as engaging and glorious performers, surpassing even my high hopes.  When you think that a significant proportion of them aren’t even at high school yet, their talent and dedication is wonderful to behold.

 As audience members drive home after the show I am sure they talk about the way a particular character danced beautifully in a particular number and the great acting of another character in a particular scene and they will be right to praise them, because praise they well and truly deserve.  However I want to spend a moment paying tribute to the unsung heroes. 

So here goes…there are the parents that chaperone the children so they are cared for and cherished during the production…who are so often their champions and confidence builders as well as the ones that make sure they don’t get so giddy they spontaneously combust.  This is no easy task.  There are the parents and YTYT members that have helped back stage making sure that beds are made and curtains are opened and props are where they need to be…that sounds simple but believe me it can all get a bit hectic back there.  Another Youth Theatre member has spent her entire weekend doing the sound for the show - such a stressful job!  There are friends that have found solutions to problems and donated their possessions to make sure we had the set and props we needed. There are the YTYT members that at the drop of a hat have driven to Castleford to steward the event, I literally messaged them in the early morning of the first performance day.   Finally there are all the parents, families and friends that have sorted costumes, provided lifts to rehearsals and supported the cast as audience for the performance.

All of these wonderful people have given precious hours, in some case days to make sure the performance is the best it can be.  What’s more they have done it with such generosity of spirit…such warmth it’s made the production a wonderful thing to be part of…so simply thank you to all of them…we couldn’t do it without you…


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