And Emily is our second...

It’s rehearsals, rehearsals and more rehearsals at the minute (and I couldn't be happier about that)! Monday nights at Sapphire are a wonderful way to start. We explored into improvisation which included many of us coming out of comfort zones and being brave (and maybe a yoga position or two). I find improvisation fairly hard as I personally am used to using scripts and feel a lot more comfortable being told what to do rather than coming up with something on the spot and having no one tell me if it is right or wrong so I really enjoy the challenge.

On Saturday we rehearse Eclipse which I’m sure you’ve heard is our 2016 Connections play. This year is a lot different to Hacktivists in many ways; the main one being that it is double cast so balancing enough time to both practise and look at what the Darkness in the Light cast are doing is more than enough to keep us busy for two hours. This week we managed to make outstanding progress in the sense that we staged scenes 7-9 with both casts (adding in the chorus to both) and having time to view what the Darkness in the Light cast have done which is looking amazing! Experimenting with how to make the chorus work around the main action without stealing focus is a challenge but one that we’re tackling with both hands, we try many different ways before we set almost definitely on a stage picture. Personally, I think this year’s connections (it’s my second year) is completely different to last year as in my character as well. Last year I and my character Siobhan were the youngest whereas this year I’m not and I play Jane who is a twin alongside Bobbie’s character Polly. This makes both of our characters almost like one in many senses but you have to remember that they’re still their own individual people with different thoughts/feelings despite them being twins. Finding the right balance is interesting and something that both Bobbie and I still haven’t fully discovered yet. I just can’t wait until connections week in February!
You’ve probably also heard about WY Performers play of Peter Pan which we perform this time next week! Yes, it is that close! Saturday was our last chance to fix any issues that we found on last Sunday’s rehearsal which, for me, was running and perfecting the timing for the dances that I’m in. This led us nicely into the full dress rehearsal that we had this afternoon. We ran from the very start all the way to the end without interruptions and it is looking fantastic! The journey from where we started last May with a cast of people who barely knew each other and many who had never sung/danced/acted before to where we are now is outstanding. Everything is falling into place! Now just to take it into the theatre on Friday night! Be sure to book your tickets ASAP, otherwise you’re definitely missing out. See you there...


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