Ellen is our first guest blogger...

As you can probably tell it is my turn to blog this week, okay. So I have recently started Black Company, which at first I was kind of nervous about but it turned out to be as fun and as lovely as any other company. We've actually started to do a play, which really excited about. It's all about mafia and singers in the 1920s and honestly I don't think I could be more excited to do a play. 

As well as starting Black. I'm part of Connections this year, I'm taking part in a partnership piece which is all about the sun and the moon and the mythology behind it all. This has been such and interesting process as us, the cast, have written it ourselves, and will continue to produce it ourselves mixed with just the right amount of assistance from the lovely Sarah. I am really looking forward to the rest of the creative process with the Connections crew and burnt orange hoodies. 

Finally...at Gold this week our workshop on suspense was.......
.....great fun ;) I particularly like Amy winders piece, with its plot twist and psychotic main role, which had me on the edge of my seat throughout. 

Overall, as it goes it's been an outstanding yew tree week this week, even after leaving Sapphire (I miss you mental lot by the way) I am reminded every time I go to a yew tree session why I joined in the first place.


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