This week at Yew Tree by Eve:

To be truthful, this is the first blog I have ever written, so Sarah asking me to do so is a little bit scary but definitely a privilege. On Monday evenings I take part in the brilliant Sapphire Company, and have done for just over two and a half years now. It was the only thing I was able to take part in Yew tree, except his year I chose to take part in Connections to see what the experience would be like and to hopefully push myself further in the subject I love the most. I can say that I will definitely be taking part in next years, if they will have me. I thoroughly enjoy coming on Saturday evenings to take part in the wonderful Eclipse and to see the inventive Darkness in the Light piece.

At this week’s session at Sapphire, there was a range of games, followed by a discussion on what we all wanted to focus on for the next few weeks, now that we have finished the Christmas shows. A lot of new ideas were suggested; such as crime, horror, comedy, soap drama and improvisation. I suggested musicals, but Sarah wasn’t keen on that idea, I’d like to explore whether she just hates them or hates singing? Loving all things over theatrical it was always going to be my suggestion! I thought it was interesting to see all the inventive ideas by fellow Sapphire members such as crime as I have never experienced this before in theatre.  

Another thing I thoroughly enjoyed in Sapphire was one of the games we chose to do. It included Sarah choosing a theme and each group wrote something down, which was then passed to each of the groups. In the end we had 5 things which we then had to develop into a small piece of drama. I thought our Harry potter bleep test with Napoleons head was very amusing.

Coming back to Connections, this week we focused on running through the scenes we have already rehearsed, and adding in bits to make them stronger. The sun and moon casts swapped over each time, and it was interesting to see the different ideas and ways cast Sun put their version of Eclipse together, as I am in cast moon. My own cast focused on our acting methods and the different ways we can develop our characters. I am Jane in the piece; one of the main characters in Eclipse along with the lovely Charlotte as my twin Polly. It was a delight to see how the two characters react with each other, as one always tries to be better than the other. Looking at Jane’s character, I can always see that she is the type of character to be insecure inside, therefore always showing off to hide that. Reminding me of my own younger sister. It’s obvious to see that both Polly and Jane are the outsiders of the group of friends, mainly because how girly they are compared to the other female characters such as Lucy Lime and Tulip. I think possibly the fact that they are twins means they already have their own mini friendship group which can sometimes make them different and more distant from the rest of the group.   Although we didn’t get to watch the Darkness in the Light piece, Ellen and Lowenna who play the sun and moon were added into the scenes. Looking back at what we did, I think that Eclipse and Darkness in the Light are really coming together and I cannot wait to perform in February. 

As always, thanks to Sarah and everyone in Yew Tree for making this something I look forward to every week. In a teenage life, like many others, made up of school, homework, house chores (to earn my keep) life dramas, brother toddler tantrums and hum drum whatever else, Yew Tree continually and consistently is my pure escapism and sanity, and hoping to forever better my ‘trade’ as it were. And in the mix provides fun, laughter and friendship. What a brilliant start to the year this has been. Bring on Connections 2016! 


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