Thank you Georgia for being our guest blogger

Saturdays always have, and always will be my favourite day of the week because I get to spend the day with my yt cheesy as that is. Starting of the day with Gold. Games, rehearsing the Hepworth piece - Plinth (which is coming along a treat), and then more devising for The Snow Queen to finish it off. 
The Hepworth piece is so unlike the others we have done and feels like it's about each and everyone one of us, as well as the exhibit, like we as actors have been able to personally connect with the artist by creating our own interpretation of the exhibition. 
Devising for the Snow Queen has proved difficult this week because the last chapter had to be adapted a little more to fit with the scenes that had already been written, for example some of the events it lists could not be revisited as they hadn't occurred in the first place (talking reindeers DO NOT exist), it was also difficult to try and think of an alternative to Gerda, and Kai's meeting as kissings people's feet is hardly appropriate...moving on... Regardless of some of the difficulties faced some good ideas were revealed, but if you want to know more you'll have to come to the Christmas shows... The second part of Saturday saw the read through of Mugged, the play we are doing to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Yew Tree!! After auditions last week, the read through was approached with anticipation as everyone waited to see the play have real meaning when it is read by all of the characters. The play is going to be great, developing the relationships between characters, staging the physical scenes etc. Some personal challenges for myself are going to be trying to cry realistically as Soph is a fairly emotional character (quite understandably), and being able to act a little girlier (not a word, apologies), these personal challenges I hope to overcome through some character development, and maybe even reverting back to a technique suggested by my high school teacher of living a day in the life of my character (or taking a walk don't think that amount of swearing will be allowed at college...). Despite the challenges that, as a cast, we will face I am so very happy, and excited to be apart of the Mugged cast and be able to contribute to the celebrations of yt's 20th birthday!!


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