A debut blog is always a good thing...especially a really good one like this - all credit to Becky from Gold Company!!

Today, my Yew Tree session was spent at the Hepworth Art Gallery, where I took part in Gold company's performance of "Plinth". As a fairly new member of Yew Tree, this has been my second performance (the first also being at the Hepworth) and, although I really enjoyed "Ever after", there was something about "Plinth" that really captivated me. Perhaps its simplicity was what won me over. The idea of "Plinth" is about what people, as individuals, value most in their lives and, in this instance, would choose to put on a plinth. Members of Gold (including myself) were given the task of writing a 30 second speech on something we, or another individual, would choose to place on our plinth. I chose confidence - something I ultimately joined Yew Tree to try gain in - and some other great speeches were written on: individuality, happiness, equality, the right to vote, fashion and (believe it or not) polar bears and jigsaws. We performed "Plinth" three times, with the quality of the performance and number of audience members gradually increasing. I always think it must be a lovely experience to visit an art gallery and watch a performance, appreciating the acting and artwork at the same time. You really begin to admire a place when you have performed in it and speaking in such a large, open room can be quite challenging, so it's a learning opportunity at the same time! So, all in all, our performance of "Plinth" was a success (I won't mention the music)! The atmosphere was great and the piece looked really effective, especially with the transitions we have worked on, tying it together. Looking back on the pictures of the performance, I am happy to have been a part of it. And, as this has been my first ever blog, I feel as if it marks my "initiation" into Yew Tree. Perhaps this whole thing was just a test...


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