Credit where it's due...

This week has been a wonderful YTYT week - so much to celebrate - it began with the unequivocally joyous news that Yasmin got into RADA - you can read her blog for more information on that...but as a little insight from me...every place at drama school is exceptionally difficult to get and I have such a lot of respect for the YTYT members who demonstrate the greatest determination, resilience and graft as they apply, audition and wait for news...this year not only have all four of the auditionees YTYT have been supporting, achieved places at esteemed training institutions but we also celebrate Alice's graduation from Man Met and Joanna's from LAMDA. These weren't the only graduations we got to celebrate this week as members/alumni of YTYT Jess M, Jess H, Alex and Ashleigh all graduated with excellent degrees in Education, Medicine, Politics and Drama/Eng Lit respectively...and there will be more of this loveliness that I don't know many achievements - such impressive tenacity.  It's wonderful to think that YTYT played a part in these people's lives at some point and because of that we get to share a little in the happiness they radiate in their success.

Also in this week of happiness Orange Company performed their production of Robin Hood to a generous and plentiful audience.  For some it was their first performance ever, for some their first YTYT performance - for some it was only their third session!!  The actors age 6 - 11 were brave and bold and gave it their best shot...I was so very proud of them.  There were so many positive words spoken after their performance about how impressed the audience were and how much the company had grown and developed - it was lovely to see the children bask in this positivity.  Positivity inspired by them...

As the week relentlessly rolled on we arrived breathlessly at the weekend via a champagne toasting Black Company session, where the agenda was dominated by three performances of Plinth at The Hepworth.  Becky explains the nature of the piece beautifully in her blog, so what I want to focus on is the impact Gold Company had on their audience.  Again so many lovely words of praise but also lots of people talked about how the piece moved them...both parents and complete strangers.  The act of the actors standing in a public space and talking with commitment about the things that mattered to them had a profound impact on those that watched it.  I want to give absolute credit to Gold Company for having the bravery, eloquence and poise to write, edit, rehearse and perform their was a brilliant thing to do.  As an added bonus some artists used the piece to inspire their was an absolutely class day...

There's a danger in this fast moving shelter-skelter of a world that we move on to the next thing before we've enjoyed the sense of achievement of what we have just done.  It's been lovely to sit here and reflect on such an array of loveliness with you before the inevitable onslaught of tomorrow...


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