The very excellent Alice Narey ladies and gentlemen...

So… as a result of me never doing a blog, my open hate for English and my bad hiding skills… I have been picked to do this week’s blog about my Saturday at Gold.
This week was musical week! *jazz hands* and despite the overwhelming majority of us groaning at the idea, I think I speak for most people when I say I was pleasantly surprised. We started the session with our usual bests and worsts and then, because I was extremely cold, we played an energetic game of stuck in the mud. However, because it was musical week *jazz hands* when we had been tug we had to sing a song. I know, it seemed like a good idea at the time until the room was filled with random songs and general chaos… but I can definitely say that I was warmed up at the end! Our next game involved quick thinking and story making to warm up our brains as we were about to create our very own musicals! *jazz hands*
…Okay I’ll stop with the jazz hands…
We were then told to think of a verb and create an image for the verb. Now, unfortunately, this proved a lot harder than it first sounded as teenagers were faced with the hard task of remembering what a verb is… Once it was explained in more simple terminology as a ‘doing word’ we then made our images. Next, we were asked to make a vegetable. Now, once again, this proved a lot harder than it first sounded as teenagers were faced with the hard task of remembering what a vegetable is… Finally, once the vegetable situation was settled, we were asked to create an image to represent a colour. This also proved a lot harder than it first sounded as teenagers were faced with the hard task of remembering what a colour is… Okay, I’m joking, but we honestly couldn’t decide what is and isn’t a vegetable. Somehow, we all looked at our sequences of the three images and turned them into a story using “In the beginning… and then... and finally…” – some funny, some dark and some just plain weird… but a story nonetheless.
Once we had been put into groups, decided which story was the best and added in some singing – along with a substantial amount of clicking – we had our very own musicals! From a story of how ‘you’ll never be good enough for Broadway’ to ‘darkness taking over’ to ‘I want to fly’ to ‘let’s slay a dragon’ and then there is… ‘Beards the musical!’ (I’m fairly sure they are not the correct titles but they sum up the stories pretty well)
I have to admit that I was surprised at how easy it was to incorporate music into the performance and develop our ideas out of a verb, a vegetable and a colour – I thoroughly enjoyed it (as always). Also, I cannot forget to mention the amazing voices that we heard emerge in the group. Once again, Gold haven’t failed to deliver classic puns, unique plot lines and bucket loads of talent.
Phew… I thought my first blog was going to consist of “It. Was. Good. I. Enjoyed. It. ‘Full stop.’” But I have had a lot of fun writing this! I can’t wait for next week when Hannah takes a session of Crime and Detective drama.


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