Our new members of Gold are our bloggers 

 The whole experience of joining Yew Tree for Sam, John and I has been a fairly simple one. We were in need of something creative to do, an outlet, so that we could have fun whilst making stuff too, but weren't really looking for anything- we'd just spitball ideas for scripts that would never come to fruition.

Then Amy (Osborne, of course), one of my closest friends, who'd asked me to join Yew Tree once before in high school, invited me to come see a show she was in, Hacktivists. Sam had been invited separately by Tom (also of the Osborne clan), his Guys 'n' Dolls costar. John saw that we were planning to go in our Facebook group chat and asked if he could come along (there was a fourth would-be Yew Tree member that went, but we speak not of her).

So we went to see Hacktivists, thoroughly enjoyed it and on a whim, John pulled me and Sam to one side and said, "we should join Yew Tree". So we tentatively approached Sarah, and asked, "Um, Sarah, could we possibly, maybe, join Yew Tree?" And without missing a beat, Sarah said "Yes." She asked us our age and after some discussion of which group we would fit most, she placed us in Gold. "It's on Saturday at 10 o'clock". I remembered this particular piece of information, knowing that I'd end up going with John and we'd find the place pretty easily.

And so, ever the excited new members, ready to learn some fun stuff, we made sure to be there early, so as to set a good standard. However mine and John's incredibly bad lack of understanding of Wakefield (and Google maps) meant that we were ten minutes late to our first session at Gold. Sam, of course, was there -and was, in fact part of the two-member search party sent to rescue us. Feeling as though we'd interrupted, we sat quietly as we were introduced to these strange new people based on the best and worst's of the week.

The overall experience of Gold has been a good one, we've met new people, played new games and just had fun in a way that we hadn't in a long time. It's so fulfilling being able to be creative with creative people, and having fun together simultaneously. The past four weeks have been great, and we've been made to feel extremely welcome, and accepted by the people of Yew Tree. I, personally, am thankful for the support we've been given (even though John was late to both sessions he attended and missed two, I'm sure he and Sam are just as appreciative).

So yeah- thank you, Yew Tree, Sarah and Gold Company, for making us feel at home.


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