Simon Winder - brilliant YTYT supporter and Dad of the wonderful Amy and Sam has penned his second blog...

I found Hacktivists interesting, thought provoking, and thoroughly well presented and acted. The play poses questions about our acceptance of the fact that organisations such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Government institutions can now obtain information about us, and profile and categorise us via the information that we willingly place on the public domain, and questions what we should do (if anything) to combat this insidious intrusion into our lives. Whether we should protest by legal means, or whether it is acceptable to prevent this intrusion by nefarious means and how far that should go. Is it OK to damage computer systems or property, or can you go further and hurt people as well? Various sub plots involving personal conflict and power struggles, with personal motives within a group structure added to the play. For all the actors the play was set within almost permanent conflict and debate, they performed with great intensity and commitment as the script (I Think) intended. It is great credit to them that the 55 minutes of the performance seemingly passed in moments, and I look forward to the next connections play next year.


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