Mime merriment...

After a full on schedule of performances since September 2014 we’re doing weekly workshops at Gold at the moment with the focus of the workshop being chosen by members of the Company…we’ve played lots of games, dived into melodramatic mayhem and gambled with YT roulette…just occasionally someone picks a topic and I’m not convinced that it’s going to entertain people as much as they think it might and this week was one of those weeks.  Matthew had picked Mime and as I was travelling into Wakefield on Saturday morning I was wondering if what I had planned was going to go down well or if it was all going to feel a little too much like hard work…especially as we had some filming for the Hepworth to do at the same time…

The fact that there was not just one but two types of Lemon cake to choose from as I made my weekly stop at Marmalade on the Square seemed a good omen and indeed it was… Gold Company took to mime like ducks to water – why I doubted them I will never know…I should know whatever I throw at them they just get on with and give their best shot to and what’s more they do it with such a sense of openness and play that the studio we’re working in has the best of atmospheres.  Ridiculous situations were invented and played out to much appreciation whilst in the other studio Nick worked with 13 of Gold Company to produce an education film about presentations. 

It’s such a nice thing watching the company play this term with no performance deadlines or demands…I am watching them blossom in the space as they unwind and leaving their day to day cares at the door create without responsibility…but don’t just take my word for it…you can see the results of their endeavours here…

Next week fear and suspense…what could possibly go wrong…


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