Leah's premiere blog...whoop, whoop!

This is my first blog so you will have to excuse me if its a little dull and/or short. Right, well, I guess I should start with Gold company's session of fear and suspense (ironic, I know). After the wonderful Georgia Petts suggested boycotting Valentines day and creating horror and suspense, everyone agreed but was a bit in the dark on how to make it scary without it being comical. To start us off, we played a game of Killer 12 and then Murder (See where the pattern is heading?), both of which are now personal favourites. To get us thinking about how to make scary not comical, we devised 4 very small snippets of something strange and created a short scene by putting them together. We then altered them slightly by making them subtly creepy. In different groups, we were then told to come up with a short scene/story to be performed in the dark. The limited use of words and larger use of facial expression proved to be a challenge for me but we got there in the end (even if we did go slightly over the limit of 20 words). Performing them in the dark really did have a very different atmosphere to doing them in daylight. A special thanks to Libby's group for scaring me half to death with their chilling version of "Sweet violets" (The Wardrobe cast see what you did there) and "Ring a ring a roses". Their use of timing and suspense helped to create tension and absolute silence within the room. Just goes to show how scary we can be... Connection this week was... Interesting. After sorting our little torch-light scenes out, we decided to go for a full run through fir the first time. We learnt which scenes are our strongest and what we need to improve upon. I can honestly say to anyone who is coming to see it, its going to be a treat. Laying in bed while writing this I look forward to spending a week of drama with some of the best people I know. Its going to be fantastic!


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