And we have one from Bobbie too...

Recently at Gold, we've not working towards a performance, instead, each week we are spending some time on a certain thing that someone had asked to do. One week it has been mime, the next melodrama. And this week, because it was Valentines Day, what would we want to do other than fear and suspense? It was a totally different thing to what we've been doing since after Christmas, with the rest being light hearted and funny, this was dark and suspenseful. To kick off the day, we started with Killer 12 and Murderer (y'know, 'grown up' golden egg). Both games something that would fit quite nicely with the weeks theme but also, we got lessons from them. Like how, when things started to get a little tense in Killer 12, someone would laugh and relieve all the tension and for fear and suspense to work, we'd have to fight again the urge to laugh, and make things better, and actually go the opposite way with it and with Murderer, we learnt how subjective scary things were, because, where one thing terrifies one person, it's okay with the other but put it the opposite way round and you'd have different results. We had Make Me too. Making different Vampires and Monsters as subtly as we could and trying to link them all together to make one, short thing. (The video of the end results is on the YTYT youtube page and I think on Facebook too.) After that, we got to creating the proper fear bit. Where it had to start with where the people knew something had gone wrong, to just before it happening. I'm someone who's easily scared, so when they were all put in the dark, (lights off, curtains pulled tightly closed), that was enough to freak me out, never mind adding in the screams and the creepy voices and all the rest of it. All in all, Fear and Suspense week was a success and it just shows that Gold are actually awesome.


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