Half term happiness and hyperlinks...
Some people who are lucky enough to be able to take a holiday at this point in the year like to spend their February half term week resting, others go away to foreign climes, still others enjoy daily excursions to enjoy the coast or soak up one of the many local cultural diversions whilst many more use it as a chance simply to catch up on all of those tasks and jobs that get left behind in the hurly burly of term time life. Not me and not the cast of Hacktivists . We grafted hard …six hours rehearsal every day…fuelled by far too many portions of chips from the shop across the road and an excessive amount of confectionary…seriously we were living the dream…all in the name of creating a National Theatre Connections production to be proud of… Monday was all about consolidating the work done since the play was cast last November. It was in pretty good shape by the end of the first day but there were still aspects of it that needed creative solutions and the ta...