Three Wishes

After a full on week of YTYT activity it appears that we’re just about ready for Christmas production week…I’ve set my props by the door, delegated, plotted, planned and done all I can in order that tomorrow we can begin the joys of the Christmas Show week with everything in place as far as is possible.  I’m hoping our casts have all done the same or will have done before they lay their heads down for a good restorative night’s sleep…

As I reflect on the week to come I have identified some wishes I have for our actors and in true pantomimic fashion I have narrowed them down to three…here they are:

Wish 1:  Own your script and your performance…you have worked so hard and travelled so far as individuals and as companies…you have grafted and crafted something wonderful so when you get on the stage relish the opportunity to show what you have achieved.

Wish 2:  Think about communicating with your audience – invest energy and vocality and don’t, please don’t, throw any of the lines or moments the writer and director bestowed upon you away because every time you do it’s a tragedy…well maybe not a tragedy but it upsets me greatly

Wish 3: Relish every moment…this time next week you will be facing a future where you will never perform in your role in your play again…it will all be over, so don’t leave anything in the dressing room, or at home, or in your heart, or in your head…put it all out there so at the end of the week you can sit back knowing you achieved all you hoped for individually and collectively as that’s the best feeling in the world.

So there you go…those are my wishes for each of the 150 performers in Festive Fairytales, go to sleep tonight dreaming of how wonderful it will be and then you’ll have the energy to make all my wishes come true starting tomorrow…


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