James Budenburg is our guest blogger as is traditional at this point in the year...

Hi, so I’m going to apologise for this bitty blog now, it made up of lots of little things rather than one big one, so go with me, ha. So this summer I ventured off to new things and for me that came in the form of University, so it was nice to come back in time for the Christmas shows and see what everyone had been up to. Let me tell you, they were great. They had an array of different qualities and whether it was the detailed relationships in black’s or the craziness of Sapphire in Rumpelstiltskin I enjoyed them all for different reasons. While I’m on the subject though I must say well done to my little sister making her Christmas sow debut with Sapphire. What was interesting was the directions in which the shows had gone and what had been added since the devising stages. I don’t think you realise as much when you’re in the rehearsal process how much the characters come on. Having been involved in the devising for both Sapphire as a volunteer and Black I was there in the early stages and from then till the shows it was obvious that so much time and effort had gone into the characters since. But yeah, I’ve blogged about the games session for the past two years so it would be a shame not to mention its delights here and make it three. The games session is always fantastic, it brings together everybody and even though that means there’s 64 people in a room it still remains calm even in the heated bouts of ninja warrior that commence. Everyone will be glad to hear that the Christmas jingles made an appearance in the form of yew tree roulette. Some of the highlights included Santa auditions nativity plays but I won’t reveal too much in the fear of ruining your advent. One last thing that I wanted to say is that the skills you get from drama and Yew Tree do apply wherever you go and whatever you do. I’ve recently found that in my rowing, I took it up when I got to university and the ensemble work you do is so helpful in noticing other peoples rhythms and locking onto them. There’s loads more applications, at a lot of the networking events I’ve been to getting your ideas across and having the confidence to speak to people you’ve never met before helps massively. So next time you’re being fantastic with your acting, take pleasure in the fact it’s going to make you great at other things too without you even realising. So I’m going to consider that happy thought a Christmas present to everybody. So that’s goodbye from me, have yourself a merry little Christmas. James


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