Hello, Lavanya from Sapphire and Gold here! I've never written a blog before, but after a busy and exciting week with Yew Tree I thought, why not?

So, starting with Monday and the fabulous Sapphire company. I've been going to Sapphire for a little less than 2 years and it just brightens up my Mondays so much, not to mention how great everyone is there. Oh, and I should probably mention that the Sapphire Christmas show was the delightful Rumplestiltskin, which is the most ridiculous story ever, therefore perfect for Sapphire company.  Anyway, we all did our bests and worsts, still on a high from the tech rehearsals (which by the way were on Sunday) and started to play a few games. We played cowboys and Indians and the tense "number of people in a group" game. But, let me tell you my favourite game ever...ladders. I enjoy it because I am quite good at it, if I do say so myself. Afterwards, Sarah told us that we were going to do an Italian run of Rumpelstiltskin as we'd done so well at the tech rehearsals. At first everyone was like 'but I don't speak Italian' but it turns out an Italian run is a very fast run of the play where anyone can play any part and just try out new things. It was hilarious watching Katie's take on Rumpelstiltskin, Sam's take on Jenny the emotional narrator and the vast amount of different takes on the sassy fairy tale consultants. As much as enjoyed trying out other parts, I still love my part as the rather odd Marjory Liddle, work experience co-ordinator for one of the narrators. All in all, a great session at Sapphire!

Skipping ahead to Wednesday and Thursday aka the Christmas shows! I had such a wonderful time performing on stage in both Sapphire's Rumplestiltskin and Gold's A Christmas Carol, although the quick costume change from one to the other was the most intense and stressful thing of the whole night! I felt so comfortable and confident performing on stage this year which shows just how much my confidence has grown at Yew Tree over the past year. As well as the shows I was involved in, I had the pleasure of watching the other companies of Orange company doing The Elves and the Shoemaker which was very impressive, Black Company's All I want for Christmas...which reminded me of Love Actually which happens to be my favourite film, and Crimson company, who's version of Beauty and the Beast was stunning. (I haven't forgotten Ruby I just didn't get to see them, but I heard they were fab) All I can say is well done to everyone involved, you were all amazing and so professional.

Lastly, Saturday morning at a slightly tired Gold company and then the afternoon at Nostell where we performed A Christmas Carol to a small but lovely audience. My parents (who came to all three performances woop) said how different and more emotional the performance was there at Nostell so well done guys and especially well done to the little people (my brother included) from Orange company for performing so well.

Thank you Sarah, Gemma and everyone who make these Christmas shows possible because they are brilliant. Sorry for such a long blog there was a lot to get in!
Merry Christmas,
Lavanya G x


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