There's a moment...

There’s a moment just before someone speaks or takes action which holds a million possibilities.  It’s the moment where the speaker takes in what they’ve just been told, or seen, or realised.  In that moment discoveries and decisions are made…the future shifts for that person a shift that can be slight, life changing or anywhere on the spectrum in between.  Information triggers thoughts and feelings…ricochets between head and heart and in some way everything that has brought that person to that moment has an impact on how it is received and consequently what is provoked, awakened, soothed, sorted, exposed, affirmed, lost. In that moment a response is formed and delivered through what we say, do or show through our bodies and faces and then the whole thing begins again for the next person who speaks or takes action.  This is happening all the time for everyone almost continually…

Ignore this moment for your character in theatre and your production becomes sterile, shallow and slick…less than it should be.  Everything is anticipated before it happens – you rob the audience of the excitement of making discoveries with the character…overplay this moment and it becomes heavy, thick, laboured, turgid.  You have it get it just right…you have to play the character, the situation, the story…the moment…just right…you have to make sure you understand what it is to be in that moment and then the next and the next and the next…

This is what I have been thinking about this week at Yew Tree…this is where you now should be at for the Christmas shows…lines learned, scenes staged…this is what it should all be about…actors and directors ensuring every moment is just right…this is when it get’s really interesting…enjoy!


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