It's a happy day when Gemma's written a blog and today is one of those days...

So we are on the home straight to the Christmas shows, and at some points between now and the 11th December it’s going to be an uphill sprint so I thought now be a good time to pipe up before I’m lost in a mad flurry of "sweet Jesus we're running out time.” and I’m too breathless from piggy backing some folk up the hard work hill (although the youth theatre I get to work with often sprint past me and I just grab on to their coattails and enjoy the ride)
Just so you know what I’m on with, at present the plates that are spinning around my head are an outdoor performance of Robin Hood with purple company, which is going to happen on the 30th of November amongst the frozen sprouts at Eastmoor community garden, they have this extraordinary amphitheatre nestled in their allotment. It’s amazing what gems you find when you adventure a little further. The performance is 30th November at 10:00am, bring a flask, a parker and come and get cold and inspired with us.
With Ruby and Amber company, we are working on ‘it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ which is going to give the John Lewis a run for its money for is ‘aw’ factor. Whenever you start a process with the dulcet tones of Perry Como you know you’re on to a delightful Christmas cracker.
The writers company are getting their head around spoken word and in a very non writers way they have a live performance at ‘A night of enlightenment’ where they will be working alongside other wonderful members of the youth theatre who have put together a piece of physical theatre to an original piece of music that was written for them…not bad eh! If you’re free head on down to the Orangery this Friday and check it all out, it’s going to be a spectacular fierce fiery festival.
And finally Crimson are knee deep in Beauty and the Beast and it is a utter beaut. In fact they are the reason I wanted to write this blog so I’m going to harp on a little now. Today I have nothing but wonderful things to say about them and yes I’m well aware that between now of the 11th December it won’t always feel this way at some points it will be beastly (see what I did there) but today I watched people grow in front of my eyes, I watched people be brave, take risks, ask me why because they genuinely wanted to be better, I heard people give open, honest and well educated suggestions and answers. I played alongside some of the finest people I know today. Today there were spontaneous smatters of applause because people were brave and the way to show them that we had their back was to applaud them. So remember this glorious day in two weeks’ time when I throw myself on the floor exasperated by the lack of line learning, prop bringing, or attendance and I look at you with madden eyes that will only be remedy with tea and cake and say “remember Gemma we are glorious and no play or actor is any bigger than the moment we grew in front of your eyes, now get a ruddy grip and everyone into your opening positions”
Go play YTYT and learn something new between now and your show, I know that’s what I’m going to do.


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